To St. Joseph
Glorious St. Joseph, Obedient Guardian of God’s Treasure, we Your children reverently bow to You, asking for the grace You can attain us.
Safeguard the Universal Church of Christ, so that the Truth of the Christian faith may dwell in the hearts of the sons of God and may be welcomed in the hearts of all people of goodwill.
Safeguard the Family, the first domestic Church, so that spousal union and the fruits of holy love may be protected and loved, defended and respected, preserved and never violated.
Safeguard the sacredness of Life against every human selfishness, so that Life, the Father’s gift, may be loved and preserved from natural conception for as long as God wills.
Glorious St. Joseph, teach us to live in holy purity, living obedience and profound humility, to make the Christian faith shine forth, to treasure it in Truth and to allow it to be welcomed by those of goodwill.
Glorious St. Joseph, help us, for the triumph and the victory of the Infant Jesus.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)