Revelation of Jesus to Maria G. Norcia
March 10th, 1986
“Mary, I consecrate myself to You ”
Maria Giuseppina says:
I was praying with the intention to offer my prayers through the pain of one of the wounds of Jesus.
So I asked Him: “Jesus, which is Your most painful wound?”
Jesus showed me two raw wounds: the one caused by the biggest thorn in the centre of His forehead and the one caused by the lance blow to His side.
As I completed my prayers, Jesus began to speak:
My daughter,
“Everything must pass through My Mother”.
Meanwhile, He began a prayer, as if to introduce me to Our Lady.
“Mary, I consecrate myself to You, so that all those whom the Father has entrusted, is entrusting and will entrust to me, may be consecrated in the Truth and take full part in the Plan of Love and Redemption, for the glory and honor of the Father”.
By saying these words, He made me understand that, although He is God, He was the first to consecrate Himself to Mary, in the spirit of obedience and humility. All the more reason why I, His creature, should have consecrated myself to Her.
Indeed, consecrating ourselves to Mary means becoming Her property, and She Herself will take care of her property, getting rid of the weeds and protecting it.
Consecrating ourselves also means placing our heart at the feet of Mary who, by squeezing it, will removeeven the smallest residue of impurity that lurks in it.
Only then will we be ready to be a pleasing and worthy offering to the Father in union with the Son.
Then He continued:
“Mary, You who have, once and for all, begotten Jesus by means of the Holy Spirit; in the same way give birth spiritually to Your only Son Jesus in us by means of the Holy Spirit, whenever He does not dwell in our hearts.”
By these words He made me understand the effects of the Consecration, namely: every time we commit even the smallest fault, Mary is ready to generate Jesus anew in our hearts.
Then He continued with these words:
“Mary, You who, conforming Yourself to the Father, loved me so much that you gave Your only Son for my Redemption, grant me to live You, especially in the loving union with the Father Creator, with the Son Redeemer, and with the Holy Spirit, the substantial Love of the Father and of the Son, and thus, in loving union with my brothers who have been created by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Mary, may I always live You, in Love for God and my neighbor”.
At this point, He showed me His encounter with His Mother along the Way of the Cross.
Mary, heartbroken at the sight of Her beloved Son bleeding profusely, all covered with wounds and exhausted, cries out with Her Heart: “Enough, you have suffered far too much!”
But turning Her gaze, She sees me, and then, in a heroic outburst of Love, She says to Her Son:
“Continue on Your path so that all may be fulfilled.”
From this I have understood how much total self-giving is required by the Love that is extended to its extreme consequences.