Revelation of Jesus to Maria G. Norcia
February 19th, 1995
“The Holy Place of Jesus’ Return ”
Jesus has come and He says:
My daughter, you must tell My people that I am always here in their midst.
During my earthly life I went around and visited all the villages, to know and see the needs of my sons.
I do the same thing here. I walk among them; I listen to their prayers; I see and read their hearts. Then I stay in prayer with them; I stand before my Cradle; I raise my eyes to heaven and invoke the Father so that He may grant all the pleas that come from my sons.
I implore Him for I know that His love is great: He wants everyone close to His heart.
All the sons who come here at my feet must carry in their hearts the certainty of a great gift; they must live with the certainty of being constantly united to My love.
They must radiate this love around them, like a beacon that enlightens the way to make the path safer.
I want all my sons to be like bright lamps.
My daughter, I say it again, and you remind all my people that here is the source of my love, and God’s love alone can purify their hearts and make them worthy to become the favorite sons of God.
I come here, not only to find rest in my Cradle, but also to give still more, to give love, love, all my love to those who come here for being summoned by my heart.
I come here every day, to alleviate the sufferings of many of my sons.
My Mother is here pleading with her sons to listen to my voice.
I have given you two creatures who speak to you, as I do; I have given you this island of love.
The Mother has given you the Water.
What more must I give you so that many others may rediscover the love of God, the love of Mary?
I rejoice when I sit at the fountain and look at my sons who draw water, with faith and love, not to quench their thirst, but to feel the love of the Mother who guards this blessed fount.
I suffer, however, for the disobedient sons who still do not respect my words.
My dear sons, can you comprehend the greatness of this great plan of the Father?
Can you imagine the Son of God coming down among you to free the world from all the consequences of sin, to finally bring justice to the upright, making them inherit the earth regenerated by the immense love of the Father?
Can you understand what it would be like to live together with the Son of God, together with Mary who is my mother and also yours, to be nourished every day by the love of the Father and sanctified by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit?
My sons, can you just imagine the beauty of Heaven, can you understand the harmony of creation?
Behold, I want this certainty to be in each one of you, for in my new Kingdom there can no longer be room for the uncertain and the doubtful.
The sons who come here to my Cradle, who treasure my words, the love, the dedication of the daughters of my heart, must never have doubts, must never have uncertainties.
I want you to be as solid as rock in this certainty; do not let it be undermined even for a single moment, because your certainty, your faith in this holy mystery must be the guide, the spur, the incitement for those who still let themselves be overcome by doubts and uncertainties.
I wish that all the people of the earth may become worthy to enter my holy city.
All the sons of this city will see the Queen of Heaven come down from Above in all the glory that the Father has reserved for her.
Mary, the Spotless, shining star of Heaven, She who gives light and splendour to the heavenly vault, She before whom the Angels and Saints of Heaven bow reverently, will descend among you.
She will descend from her throne and, a Humble One among the humble, she will sit among you, she will speak to each one of you, she will give each one of you a gift from the Father.
She will sit beside my daughters who laid the first stone of my city, for my Cradle was the first stone, and I will keep it in the center of my City.
My dear sons, I shall never tire of repeating that this is the holy place chosen by the Father for my return.
This is the message of love, this is the message of joy, the message of eternal life that I send to the whole world, to all my sons.
I leave you with my Blessing, so that love for my Mother, your Mediatrix, Mediatrix of all the earth, may always remain strong in your hearts.