Gospel: October 13th, 2024

October 13th, 2024 Gospel of John, Chapter 10, 7-18   Jesus spoke to them again: In all truth I tell you, I am the gate of the sheepfold. All who have come before me are thieves and bandits, but the sheep took no notice of them. I am the gate. Anyone who [...]

Gospel: October 13th, 20242024-10-08T08:45:10+00:00

Gospel: October 20th, 2024

October 20th, 2024 Gospel of John, Chapter 10, 22-39   It was the time of the feast of Dedication in Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the Temple walking up and down in the Portico of Solomon. The Jews gathered round him and said, 'How much longer are you going [...]

Gospel: October 20th, 20242024-10-14T08:35:12+00:00

Gospel: 7th October

7th October, 2024 Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, 46-55   Mary said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour; because he has looked upon the humiliation of his servant. Yes, from now onwards all generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has [...]

Gospel: 7th October2024-09-30T09:15:29+00:00

Gospel: October 4th

October 4th, 2024 Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 16, 13-20   When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he put this question to his disciples, 'Who do people say the Son of man is?' And they said, 'Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the [...]

Gospel: October 4th2024-09-30T09:15:21+00:00

Gospel: September 29th, 2024

September 29th, 2024 Gospel of John, Chapter 9, 1-12.35-41   As Jesus went along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should have been born blind?' 'Neither he nor his parents sinned,' Jesus answered, 'he [...]

Gospel: September 29th, 20242024-09-23T08:59:03+00:00
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