Courage! The real presence of Christ’s Spirit,
from today on will become even more evident

March 27th, 2020
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Dear faithful, courage! Today I want to instil courage in your hearts, with all my heart, so that we all together may feel, today more than ever, the closeness of the Lord.

The Lord does not sleep. The Lord has not fallen asleep. The Lord is present. Jesus is alive.

Let’s entrust ourselves to Christ and Mary. Jesus is near, now more than ever, to all us, His sons.

Let’s entrust ourselves to Christ, the only redeemer and saviour of the world. Let’s entrust ourselves to Mary, the Universal Coredemptrix and we will have nothing to fear.

Here is the filial and devoted prayer of the sons of Christ and Mary, who turn to the One only who can save, Christ, the Redeemer, and to Her who, united with Christ, saves, Mary the Coredemptrix. Outside Christ there is no salvation.

Here is the living faith, the living trust of the sons of Christ and Mary. Courage! Jesus is alive. Jesus is present. Jesus does not sleep.

Do not listen to those who would like to make believe that Jesus has fallen asleep and has forgotten. Jesus is alive! He helps us, He accompanies us! And His live closeness will help us to experience that, with Jesus, everything can be done; in Jesus, everything can be done. With His help, we will overcome every suffering, every trial.

Christians must not be resigned; Christians must be strong, courageous, confident, because our hope is Christ and Mary.

Let’s remain in joy, in peace, in love, in sincerity, to proclaim the only Truth that saves: Christ the Lord.

This is why we stay united, now more than ever, in prayer and in the living brotherhood.

Let’s rely on the Holy Rosary, just as we have done now, we will do and continue to do every day.

This is the prayer that Jesus wants us to say now, in this time, with trust, in order to be able to overcome every trial, so that what has to be accomplished may be accomplished; and what has to be accomplished will be accomplished, because it’s God’s will.

Here is the substance of the faith in Christ and Mary.

We will see what will happen from this day on. The Lord will manifest His living presence, will manifest where He is, so that world may see and believe.

The live and holy prayer of God’s sons. Let’s remain united to Christ and Mary and we will lack nothing. We will recognise the prayer that Jesus listens to and answers, compared to empty prayers, to other beliefs, to those who profess other spirits that do not belong to Christ.

Come on, brothers, now more united than ever, so that the Father’s living blessing may be upon all His sons and on all men and women of good will, today in a special way.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.