Let us entrust ourselves to
St. Joseph, to Mary and to Jesus.
Ask with faith, no threatening God

March 23rd, 2020


Dear faithful, today we want to remain even more united in prayer and in fervent brotherhood, to go on living together this brief moment of daily meditation that aims to give continuity to our time of prayer, desirous of putting into practice the words just heard from the message revealed by Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia, dedicated to St Joseph and in which Jesus invites us to intensify prayer and  to intensify our meditation.

This is why we want to grasp the words of Jesus, to interiorize them and to put them into practice in this brief moment of daily meditation that follows this powerful prayer of the Holy Rosary, which links us to the Immaculate Heart of She who is Mother, our Mother. She who is the example for us, together with her spouse Joseph and the Child Jesus, the example for every Christian family that identifies itself in the Holy Family, so that this time – being of trial, being of living Lent – may also be a time of redemption for us all, for all families, for all those who are alone, who feel lonely, or are discouraged, prey to despondency because of all we are living nowadays. Raise your heads, raise your hearts, in order to contemplate God, to draw strength from God, the Almighty Father, who never abandons and will never abandon us his sons.

Here are the prayers. Here is the meditation. Here are those living words that Jesus gave us through His Maiden, inviting us to intensify even more our meditation and prayer. «My daughter”, says Jesus “invite my sons to intensify meditation and prayer even more, not so much to hasten the times now so near but rather to allow many more sons still living in darkness to find the Light again».

This is our hope that becomes certainty in this Little Cradle of Baby Jesus. Here, the Light has descended; many have found and acknowledged the Light descended from Heaven. A Light that wants to pierce the darkness in order to enlighten the journey of many who have lost the Way, who have lost the true Christian teachings.

That is why we begin today this meditation, this our staying even closer to one another, entrusting ourselves to the Guardian of Christianity, to the one called by the Father to safeguard the Light that has come into the world, Christ the Light, entrusted to this holy man who preserved his bride, who preserved that Child and who now is called to safeguard Christianity and to protect every family that entrusts itself to him. Entrust yourselves to St Joseph (in this month of March we will keep praying to him with devotion); call upon him so that his protection may be over every family.

Here is his help. Here is the help of Mary, our good and tender Mother. Here is the help of Baby Jesus, who came down from Heaven into this Cradle of Love to infuse every heart with courage, strength, faith, living faith, so that everything may be vanquished by living prayer and brotherhood. Every trial will be overcome, every battle will be won to the extent of how the faith of God’s sons is and will remain alive.

Ask the Father for mercy so that He may grant us His Mercy. Knock at the door of His Heart, being confident that the Father hears our prayer. Ask with faith, abandon yourselves to His will, without demanding, without accusing God, without pointing a finger at God for everything that doesn’t go according to our will, the will of man. Take example from St Joseph who abandoned himself totally to God’s will and has won by clinging to the will of his Lord. Do not pray with the pretence of receiving, in the time and in the way that man pleases: do not listen to those who teach you to threaten God. Our prayer must never reach the point of threatening God. This is not a Christian teaching. Do not threaten God: ask with faith, ask with trust. Threatening is something else; it belongs to another logic that is not that of Christians. This is not the way St Joseph taught us, this is not the way Mary Most Holy taught us.

Here is the living prayer of the sons who confidently pray, in the certainty of being heard by the Father. Entrust yourselves to God, to the true God. Embrace the living faith in the One and Triune God, taking example from Joseph, Mary and the Child Jesus, and nothing will be lacking. Let us remain united in prayer and holy brotherhood, praying even today in a special way for those who suffer and in particular for all those who mourn in their families. Do not despair. All those who will be found to be holy will be welcomed by the Father; all men and women who have been animated by goodwill, will be welcomed by the Father’s mercy.

Let us pray with trust, invoking the living protection of Joseph and Mary so that we may lack nothing, and thus, at the end of this day, let us offer every joy and every sorrow so that everything may be blessed and sanctified by the Father and thus become, for all us His sons and for all men and women of good will, a source of grace, of greater trust and of vivid abandonment to Christ, to Mary and to her holy and chaste husband Joseph, obedient guardian of the Mystery of God.

And now let us entrust all our prayers to the Father, asking Him to bless us at the end of this day so that His Holy Blessing may come down today upon us, upon every family and upon the whole world that asks for it with a sincere heart.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.