Let us pray even more and offer everything
for the triumph of Baby Jesus

June 4th, 2020


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Dear faithful, today we begin the Novena to Baby Jesus. Our great Feast. The Feast so much craved and so much loved by all those who live this Church, by all those who live this great Mystery of Love, bestowed by the Father to this humanity.

And hence, with the beginning of this novena, I invite you all to pray even more, to offer even more, so that this Church may triumph, so that the Heart of Jesus may triumph. I ask you with all my heart: pray, offer everything of your daily life for the Child Jesus, offer every joy, offer every suffering, offer every bitterness, so that nothing may be wasted, and by doing so, by praying and offering, the Father will grant us everything. Ask the Father, ask for every physical and spiritual grace, and as long as it conforms to His will, the Father will grant it to you.

It is my heartfelt invitation to all of you today, so that we may be ever more united in adoring the Child Jesus and together with Him, being victorious!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.