The Church is at our side in these times.
Let us meditate and ask for Divine Mercy
April 22nd, 2020
Dear brothers, in this Easter season let us remain united in living prayer and holy brotherhood, in order to continue to meditate on the theme of Divine Mercy, which the Church is continually proposing to everyone through all the Spiritualities released on these recent days and which the Church will continue to spread also over the coming days.
Let us entrust ourselves to Mary Most Holy and to Jesus of Mercy, so that they may accompany us and bestow their Grace on the souls and bodies of all the faithful of this Church and of all the men and women of goodwill.
To you all I say: “The Church is at your side! Do not let the temptation of discouragement and despondency overcome you. Let us remain united in this daily and holy prayer, in the knowledge and in the certainty that God the Father Almighty will never abandon the sons who entrust themselves to Him with a sincere heart, asking for help and solace, throughout every trial of the daily living”.
May God the Father Almighty bless us all, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.