The spiritual unity of the Mother Church,
the core of everyone and everything
July 6th, 2020
Meditation of the Day by Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers, dear sisters, with living joy on this day we continue to live the Feast of the return of Maria Giuseppina Norcia to the Father’s Heart; in this celebratory triduum that accompanies us and gives us Peace, Joy, Love, Light and Holiness.
The Feast is alive and embraces Heaven and earth; and our hearts too must be alive, so that nothing and no one can spoil our feast, disturb Her Feast, the Feast of the Living Obedience of She who is our Spiritual Mother, who regenerated us to new life in the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus and who now guides us from Heaven leading us all to Holiness and Victory. As good, obedient and faithful sons, we want to give joy to Her Motherly Heart.
Every mother rejoices when she sees concord, love and harmony between her children. Every mother suffers when she sees that harmony wanes, that love wanes.
Therefore, today, as good and obedient sons, we wish to give only joy to our Mother, thanking Her and proving to Her, in our daily lives, that we have learnt Her teachings and want to put them into practice; yearning to put all Her virtues into practice, remaining united to each other in prayer and in brotherhood as She has always taught us, without distractions, without changing of heart, without doubts, but with a living, living, living heart.
Here is the One, Holy and Universal Church. Here are the limbs of the One Mystical Body that are joined to one another to live in Christ, with Christ and for Christ.
Here is the Feast. Here is the living and overflowing joy that we live today, even though we are experiencing those hard and difficult times in respect of which we have been repeatedly prepared by the Maiden of God, and that we are now living in their entirety. It’s precisely because we are living these hard and difficult times, that we must now be strong in banishing all that is evil, in repelling the enemy of God and all temptation, so to be even more holy, faithful, obedient and loyal, just as our Mother is strong, obedient, faithful and loyal.
This is the joy we want to give to Her Heart today. This is our way of saying thanks to Her, namely by embodying the example of Holiness, of prayer and of brotherhood that She has bequeathed us; by keeping union and faith, in every family, the domestic church, in every local community, so that love and harmony may prevail over all that is evil, over all that is worldly, over all that the enemy of God would want to deploy aiming to attack this Mother Church, bringing slanders and deceptions, for the downfall of many even after many years of their journey.
No, dear brothers and sisters, this is the time to be strong and tenacious, steadfast and perseverant, united more than ever, in order to ward off the enemy of God and all his snares, so to always go forward, as Jesus taught us.
He who puts his hand to the plough and turns back, is not fit for the Kingdom of God.
We have been called here to the New Jerusalem, the Place where the Kingdom of God already is.
This is our way of living this Feast today. Our desire is to put the Spiritual Unity of the Mother Church at the centre of everything and everyone, so that this unbreakable and impenetrable Unity may be force and courage, strong will, wisdom and holiness for everyone so to be able to bring this Unity to everyone, so that it may be lived and implemented completely. This is the heart of the Spirituality we are living this 5 July, so to advance and triumph, so that the sacrifices of many may bear fruit, so much fruit; so that all God’s calls may bear fruit, much fruit, in their diversity as well as in the diversity of the charisms donated.
In doing so, there will be no room for any doubt, for any uncertainty, but all together, we will stand even more, united with our Mother, saying:
«I love You, Jesus, I love You so much,
I rely on You, do not leave me alone.
Do with me as you please:
Your Will be done».
One for all and all for one!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.