To You we renew our ‘yes’
to give joy to your Heart

June 26th, 2020


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Dear faithful, let us begin today the recitation of the novena of prayer in honour of Maria Giuseppina Norcia, so to solemnly celebrate Her Return to the Father’s Heart.

Today we want to unite ourselves even more to the Heart of this Maiden, She who is Mother for us all, asking the Father in Her name to grant our every prayer that conforms to His will; asking the Father for every grace; asking the Father to give us His strength, His courage and His infinite love, so to leave a sign in every heart, to win in every heart so that love may triumph.

The Maiden of God is our example of life in everything. The living presence of Her Spirit guides us on our daily journey so that, on Her example, each of us may renew, today and always, our “yes” to the call received, never hesitating, never vacillating, never doubting, never looking back but always looking forward, confident of the living presence and the living closeness of the Father who loves us, His sons, and who will never leave us alone. The Father encourages us to live Christ and Mary so that Christ and Mary may increasingly become our only primary Good, so that each one of us may observe the Father’s Commandments every day, placing the love for God and the love for our neighbours at the centre of our daily lives.

Here is the example given to us by the Maiden of God.

Here is the Feast of the “Yes” that renews itself to be fulfilled in the fullness. Here is the Feast of the “Living Faithfulness” that comes to completion on the forthcoming 5 July.

This is the Feast that has brought infinite joy to Heaven that, from that 5 July onwards, has descended even more upon this humanity to give us even more love, love, love, so that the Love made Person might dwell in all hearts ready to welcome, acknowledge and cherish Him as the precious Gift that She has bequeathed to us.

This is our lively devotion today, to Her Motherly Heart that held nothing for herself but gave herself entirely for love of Her Lord, for love of Her sons, renewing for the last time Her eternal ‘Yes’ to the Father’s will, just as She did throughout Her whole life.

Today, together, let us thank Mary Most Holy for having given us this Maiden. We thank Her for having given us Her Jesus and with all our hearts, we renew today our consecration to Her Immaculate Heart, so that we may become one with Mary and may love Her more and more, so that we may become perfect tools in Her hands, so that we may proclaim with one voice and with one heart: «I love You, Jesus, I love You so much, I rely on You, do not leave me alone. Do with me as you please: Your Will be done».

To you, Holy Mother, we offer our prayers so that You, from Heaven, may assist us even more now in overcoming every enemy and to obtain for us every physical and spiritual grace. In Mary, with Mary and for Mary. And so be it!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.