Turn pain into resurgence,
for the Triumph of Mary

September 15th, 2020
Meditation of the Day by Pontiff Samuel


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Dear faithful, today is the Feast of Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, and all together we entrust ourselves anew to the Heart of Mary, the humble Handmaid and Daughter of the Only-Begotten Son. Today we commemorate the Suffering of Mary: a Suffering endured not only at the foot of the Cross, but a Suffering united to the joy that accompanied Jesus on His path towards the ultimate Sacrifice.

Mary completely welcomed the Mystery of the Son, that the Father chose to bestow upon Her Heart, and in the living plenitude of that Divine Mystery She wholly accepted and embraced Her Cross that, united with the Sacrifice of the Son, would have given the Father the way to save all those who would have asked for Salvation in the Name of the Only-Begotten Son.

The journey of Mary, together with Jesus, has been a path of total holiness, full of love, sacrifice, joy and also of pain: that pain that defeated death and redeemed many hearts. The cause of suffering for the Heart of the Father, for the Heart of the Son and especially for the Heart of Mary, was realising that that pain has been in vain for many. But for so many others, that Sorrow has represented Salvation, the beginning of the path to eternal Salvation. A living and holy co-participation offered with love and infinite devotion to the call She received.

On this day, every Christian, every believer, on the example of Mary, is called to meditate and live that pain in order to be redeemed, to understand it, not as a cause of discouragement but as a way of rebirth, rebirth and rebirth again. Not a pain due to a continuous and daily torment but a rebirth that must lead every heart to conquer Salvation in Christ the Lord.

Dear brothers, dear sisters, turn sorrow into joy, turn sorrow into full Grace, turn every sorrow into the fulfilment of Salvation, so that all Christians who feel the duty of making Christianity blossom again – because it has been trampled underfoot due to the carelessness of many – may make this redemption come true in their daily life, in order to manifest the beauty and the sweetness of being Christians, of loving the Son of God above all things, the only Supreme Good, just as Mary did.

This has been Her Mission: this was, is and always will be Mary’s Mission, Her Trinitarian Mission as Handmaid, Bride and Mother, that in union with the Trinity of the Son moves forward to bring to completion what is in the Father’s Heart.

Many have been the sacrifices of Jesus, of Mary and of the Apostles in founding the One, Holy and Universal Church, which over time has been enriched, loved, welcomed, worshipped by many; but over time she has also been plundered and emptied in her innermost being and in her Spirit, the Spirit of the Son of God who was in His sons and who gave life to His Church.

But the Sprout could not succumb and by the infinite will of the Father, once again the Sprout has blossomed in this Land of Love, in the New Jerusalem, just as it was promised, so as to heal that innermost being in order to give new life and vigour to His Church. Never will the Church of Christ be defeated and never will she be subdued. This was the initial promise and this is the final promise.

Behold, dear faithful, today I would like to bring many to think of the suffering of the Father and of the Mother in seeing Christianity trampled underfoot, reduced to a mere human thought among many others, emptied of the Spirit that saves, who is Holy and is Person. This must be the awakening of consciences today, so that they may see in all this, not the failure of God, not the failure of the Church of Christ, but the failure of a Courtyard of the Church that has profaned the Name of God and has sold off all that is Holy.

Brothers, let us remain united in the one Spirit, in the one Love, so that henceforth all may be transformed into joy. To every Christian, today I turn My heartfelt appeal that the authenticity of the true and pure Christianity may be recognised anew in essence and substance, so that everyone may draw near and enjoy Its Lymph and Its breath of Life. A Christianity that is alive and Holy, light, pure and renewed, just as pure is the infinite Love of God that, in this House, fills every heart yearning to live, to understand and to love the Truth.

Every Christian is called to defend Christ and His Doctrine. Every Christian is called to strive to ensure that the Light of Christ may remain lit in the hearts of many, by means of their example, their righteousness and loyalty, their mercy and justice, in order to thoroughly live brotherhood and love, that are the core of Jesus’ teaching. Every Christian, every good Christian, clothes himself with Light, which is intimate joy, to thus proclaim the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life. Therefore, no more sorrow, no more mourning, but courage, strength and Holiness, so to live even now the Kingdom that here already is, in Christ and Mary.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.