United with Mary and Saint Anne
to manifest the Mother Church
July 25th, 2020
Meditation of the Day by Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers, dear sisters, with great joy we live this moment of prayer and meditation, on the day on which we honour the Apostle James and are preparing to celebrate the feast of St Anne, this great Saint who accompanied Mary, the Mother of God, so to live holiness and to allow us to live holiness.
Today let us unite ourselves to one another, to Mary and to her Mother so to be able to experience the Grace and therefore to be united with our Good and Tender Mother finding refuge, shelter and rest in Her pure, Holy, Faithful and spotless Heart.
The Mother Church gathers in Mary, like the Apostles who gathered around their Mother, in the hour of darkness, in the hour of trial, in the hour of the cross. They gathered around Her who is Mother to receive strength and courage, to strengthen their faith in the Saviour, in He who can do everything, in He who has fulfilled every promise, in He who has conquered death, every death, sacrificing His own Life to give eternal Life to all, to lead all to eternal victory.
These are the feelings that animate us today. These are the feelings that animate the journey of the Mother Church in this time of Marian Ascent.
This is why today we cling even more tightly to one another, to Mary, joyfully embracing the Cross of Light that stands out in the Shrine of Divine Mercy.
No longer a Cross that crushes the sons of God, but a Cross, ‘the’ Cross that will lead the sons of the Mother Church to eternal victory. In the certainty and confidence of the presence of Jesus who will never abandon us, His sons, we move forward.
“It is I, do not be afraid!”, Jesus tells us, and so, holding on to the words of our beloved Jesus, we fear nothing, nothing and no one, but with our heads held high and with pride we advance to overcome every challenge and to strike down every calumny and slander.
Take courage, brothers! Let us unite to one another to manifest the limbs of this Mystical Body that is the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, so that each limb may feel alive and manifest its own vitality, manifesting the Mother Church, manifesting the desire for Holiness that characterises every son who wants to live God as the only supreme Good.
In Mary, with Mary and for Mary.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.