Blessed are you,
my Father in heaven has revealed it to you
October 6th , 2022
7th Anniversary of the constitution of the Church
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
In these days of celebration, the words of Jesus and the words of Simon Peter accompany us and resound loudly in our hearts. “And you, who do you say I am?” asks the Lord. And Peter: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God“. Peter proclaims his profession of faith in a clear-cut manner, with the clarity that characterizes his resolute and strong temperament. Without wavering or hesitation, in the intimacy of that assembly, Peter stands and recognizes and proclaims the One who is, the Son of God, the One whom the Father sent so that Love, the true Love, Christ the Love, could dwell on Earth.
This is the certainty that Peter transmits to us all today. We must all stand up and to the whole world proclaim Jesus, the Son of the living God, who came down to this Cradle to save this world: we are to transmit his message, his word, his authentic teachings that the Master has once again come to bring to this Earth, letting himself be welcomed in the heart of a humble and holy Maiden, who brought him and made him known again to everyone, announcing to everyone, with the same solemnity and readiness of Peter, that the Father has established here the New Jerusalem, that metaphysical Abode prophesied by the Holy Scriptures, that is now increasingly manifesting to the whole world. The Son of God has returned Here, on the clouds as He had promised and as it is written in the Acts of the Apostles. In this Place, Jesus is true Man and true God and manifests his essence and his substance. Here, the Spirit of Christ is alive and awaits everyone, to bring many to be reborn from Above, in this Source Font of the Holy Spirit, where many will be first purified and then vivified by the living action of the Divine Spirit, who will lead many to acknowledge the Son of God anew, who came down allowing the sons of God to ascend to new life and to lead everyone back again to the Garden prepared by the Father for His sons since the origin of Creation.
The origin. Here is that the sons of the New Jerusalem advance to bring everything and everyone back to the fulfilment of the original Thought of the Father. The beginning and the end. The Way, the Truth and Life. By acknowledging all this, it will be possible to experience the Peace given by the Father to His sons in that initial and original Garden, to contemplate His Countenance as Father. The only way to experience this fulfilment, is to acknowledge this Little Cradle, that is small in the eyes of the world but is great and infinite for those who love the Child Jesus, expression of the Father, His eternal Love.
Anyone who, in this Little Cradle, will be able to do as Peter did, namely recognizing the Word of God who has come here to give peace and love to all hearts and to restore the initial order and to bring everyone to respect the Law of the Father and of the Son, as well the invitation of the Holy Spirit to change life, will experience true peace and true love, that many are no longer able to find, experience and live. This is the treasure that is hidden to many and that the Father is ready to give generously in this Church, the Church of Christ, the Mystical Body in which the living essence of the Son of God, through His sons, His limbs, manifests His substance.
Here is the Tree of Life, placed at the centre of the New Jerusalem. Its roots start from the Father’s Heart and its evergreen leaves heal the soul and the body of those who by faith want to live the purity of faith, lessening their haughtiness, their “self”, so that faith in the true God may grow and increase in many.
Those who, with faith, following Peter’s example, proclaim the Truth in their heart, recognizing the New Jerusalem and the Child Jesus, will be rewarded and beatified by the Word of God. “Blessed are you, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in Heaven”. Those who acknowledge this House, Church, wanted by the Father so that the Son might return to reign in the hearts of many, will be raised; and many who think they are rich in their human wealth and human convictions, will end up empty-handed, because the Father will give his Heart to those who have made themselves poor and little in this world for the love of God: that same Heart that has been deposited here by the Almighty, in this Cradle, and that Mary has brought to shine and be ever more alive, so that the Word of God made flesh could and can reign for ever and ever.
The Father has established His Kingdom here, handing over the keys of His heart to this House, His Church. And to all the faithful sons of this Church, to all those who love this Cradle, to all those who carry forward the name of the Child Jesus, with pride and honour, nothing will be lacking.
“Trust in God the Father Almighty, as the Father has placed His trust in us all. Be you all united with Christ, the Son of the living God, so that in Christ you may see and experience the power of the Father, who will bestow His justice to us all, His sons”. This is the teaching of Mary who, in the Magnificat, sings: “Great things has done the Almighty in Me“. The Father will make us strong in His strength, to bring His holy Name and His invincibility to everyone. “Who is like God?” exclaims St. Michael. Therefore, if God is with us, who is against us? Let us remain steadfast in the one faith that saves, to proclaim to everyone, as Peter did, the only name in which there is salvation: Je-sus. And so be it.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.