do not waste the sacrifice of Jesus!
March 18th, 2022
3rd Friday of Lent
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Today, on this Third Friday of Lent, let us contemplate the wound on the right foot inflicted to Jesus and thus we offer our prayer, our daily life, for every Christian and for every man and woman of good will, so that all Christians, on the example of the new Christians of the New Jerusalem, may return to be a single entity and thus be able to live, in union with those who are animated by good will, the grace to find the Truth in Christ.
Christ the Lord has come down from Heaven to the New Jerusalem to summon His people so that they all may become as one, one body formed of many limbs and animated by the Only-Begotten Spirit who is Christ the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Great is the responsibility that the Christians have in this last time of God’s history. All those animated by goodwill are to join the people of the New Jerusalem in order to spread and pour out the Love of the Holy Spirit, which must be first welcomed and allowed to dwell in the heart, to be then left free to circulate among Christians and those of goodwill; so that the Christians may be again the example for the whole world, just as it was in the early days, in the early Church, when there were no divisions between Christians, and humanity had not dismembered the Body of Christ, because of lust of power and human convenience.
We must return to that simplicity, so we may live, in holy unity, our belonging to the one body animated by the Only-Begotten Spirit, and so to experience and contemplate the whole Truth. Not shreds of Truth, not fragments of Light, but to embrace the Light in its entirety. That Light that has once again descended on Earth, in the New Jerusalem, and that has taken up permanent residence in the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, so that the whole world, by contemplating the Child Jesus, may return to that original childhood and become new and holy, so that the sacrifice suffered by Jesus on the cross may not be nullified by humanity.
This is the prayer we offer today to the Heavenly Father, offering Him once again the passion, the painful passion that Jesus suffered on the cross. Let us pray to the Father with the prayer that Jesus revealed to Maria Giuseppina Norcia on 15 April 1982:
Almighty Father,
we offer You the sorrowful Passion of Jesus,
His glorious Ascension to You,
for these hard and difficult times.
Lord, have mercy.
Consecration to the Father’s Heart
To You, my Lord, I Offer my life, my everyday life.
Make me partake in Your Love so to win in Your Name.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.