Her faith, our living strength
January 21st, 2022
Solemn Feast of the Nativity of Maria G. Norcia
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Today we celebrate the birth of the Maiden of God, Maria Giuseppina Norcia, She who is our Mother in faith, She who spiritually regenerated us all to new life in Christ the Lord. Her birth has marked and marks a new course for Christianity and for all men and women of good will.
The Maiden of God is she who welcomed the Mystery of the Child God, revealed to her heart by God the Father. The Maiden of God is she who gave life to this Mystery of the New Jerusalem, foretold, proclaimed and at the will of the Father brought to fulfilment here.
The Maiden of God is she who welcomed the Father’s revelation and made it known to the world so that the world could believe, come closer and live. Here is God’s call which, in this Land of Love, is the fulcrum and the centre of the journey of every man and woman, of every Christian: the life, the call of life, which in this place is fulfilled and realised by proclaiming ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to God’s will. Today, the call is renewed for everyone. This is the House of the watershed, of those who want to be with God or those who want to be with the world; of those who want to be a fish in God’s net or those who want to fall prey to the predatory world. Today, God’s call returns to be the centre: being called by God to converge the course of our life and turn our daily-life into a holy, living and pure journey.
This is the example given to us by the Maiden of God, she who purifies with her motherly love, she who, welcoming God’s will in her heart every day, leads all to the only-begotten spirit that is life. “Be fishers of men“: said Jesus to his first friends, to the nascent pillars of the Church, the assembly of believers in the only-begotten Son who is Christ the Lord. Those men accepted their call without letting themselves be flattered by the world but welcoming the Spirit of Christ the Lord inside them and thus becoming burning torches of his Love that brought a holy revolution into the world.
Let those same feelings be in you today. May the day of her birth be for everyone the new day of a new rebirth. On the example of the Maiden of God, rise to new life, renewing today your “yes” to God’s call, surrendering your life to the will of God the Father Almighty. Today, let us say: “Not mine but Your will be done, Heavenly Father. Do with me as it is pleasing to You, so that the only-begotten Spirit, upon the example of Your Maiden, may grant us the courage and the strength to persevere and win the good fight, to keep alive and to spread to all the one faith that saves, Christ, who lives in You and will reign with Mary for eternity. Father, consecrate us all, through Mary, today, to the Truth, so that Christ, the Way, the Truth and Life, may enter and permeate the hearts of everyone and may bring light, light, light to dispel the darkness, to unravel the shadows and to bring us to victory“.
Great is the Plan that the Father had for her who has known how to welcome into her pure and holy heart Jesus, sent anew by God the Father Almighty to bestow His infinite mercy on this humanity that has become arid and bewildered. She, the custodian of this great Mystery of Love, has lived and has treasured everything in her heart, in the awaiting of the manifestation of the Plan of Love and Redemption wanted by the Father for this humanity. Now everything is being fulfilled and everything is lived. Here is the New Jerusalem. Here is Mary Mother Church, in whom dwells the Holy Spirit, that is Love, the lymph that nourishes and animates the Tree of Life, which bestows his fruits to bring everyone to be reborn to new life.
Following the example of the Maiden of God, everyone is called to return to the essence of God, to live His substance. Everyone is called to put the family, the first domestic church, back at the centre, to bring to the world the example of a religion that doesn’t discard what is past, but wants to renew what has become burdensome, leading everything and everyone back to the original thought of God, allowing thus everyone to live the original freshness and lightness and to remove the slavery of the world and of sin.
Hasten all of you who wish to be fed and nourished by the fruits of this holy Tree that gives life and conquers death. Don’t waste your time in what is vain and in what is worldly, for the world has understood neither the time nor the sign of the times, and will weep and will beat its chest for all this. This is the House of God and the world can do nothing against God, and nothing has been able to do against this House. Jesus told his Maiden that neither the world nor the Sanhedrin would have had authority over this House because Jesus has preserved this House for Himself and for all his faithful sons.
Here is the fulfilment of these words. Here is this House that today is celebrating. Rejoice, all you sons of God, for this day marks a new day for the sons of God. One is and must be our thought; one is and must be our goal, a holy goal: to persevere and win, so that all may win, in Jesus and Mary.
In the name of the Maiden of God, praise Jesus, the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life, for the complete fulfilment of the will of the Father, who here has established eternity. Go, be united, love one another and rejoice, for ours is the victory. One for all and all for one. And so be it.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.