Holy Mother,
may our love be balm for Your pierced heart

April 8th, 2022
6th Friday of Lent
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Mary is Love. In Mary, Love is. In Mary, Love has taken up permanent home.

On this sixth Friday of Lent, we contemplate once again the suffering that Mary offered out of love. Mary accepted that the sword of the world would have pierced Her soul in order to be united with Her Son and jointly with Him to save this world.

Here is the Redeemer and here is the Coredemptrix. United in the one Love that saves; united to win the world. A world that now as then is evil and insensitive to God’s Love. A world that has rejected the God of Love and now embraces war as a weapon to prevail over its neighbours, to subjugate and tyrannize everything and everyone.

Here it is that although, on one hand, once again the sword of the world pierces the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who suffers and weeps for the violence inflicted against many of Her sons and daughters, and against many little and innocent victims of hatred, of violence, of the atrocities of war, and also suffers and weeps for the world has not welcomed the Mystery of Her Son sent by the Father in this White Island to fulfil His Plan of Love and Redemption for this humanity, on the other hand, the pure and holy Heart of Mary rejoices in seeing Her faithful sons and daughters who daily suffer and offer their lives and their daily life, for love of Jesus, for love of the Son of God who has again came down from Heaven, to the New Jerusalem, thanks to the offerings and sacrifice of another Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia, She who offered Her life to give fulfilment to the Mystery of God.

In this awareness, we know that here the Immaculate Heart of Mary does not suffer but finds rest. Beloved sons and faithful, be you the sweet rest for Mary, even more today. Together we all offer everything again for Mary, for She who is our Mother. All for you, Holy Mother. All for the victory and the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart, so that Your sacrifice, offered for the love of Jesus and of us Your sons, may bear fruit in abundance. Today, together, we want to give this to Mary. We want to offer You this prayer, Holy Mother, so that your pain caused by the sword of apostasy, the sword of hatred and war and the sword of indifference, may be overcome by the two-edged sword that comes out of the mouth of the Man described in the Apocalypse, and by the love of Your faithful sons who suffer but offer their everything for the love of Jesus, of Your Jesus.

Today, once again, I want to lead you all back to the meditation of last year, when I read you the Revelation of Jesus telling us about the encounter between Mary Most Holy and Maria Giuseppina on the path to Calvary. That encounter gave strength to Mary, who in turn gave strength to Jesus, so that Jesus could thoroughly continue His ordeal to bring the Father’s will to completion, in a interweave of love that is unfathomable to human mind, but is consciously lived by the sons of God; an interweave of love that ploughs through history and continues in our days. And on the example of Mary Most Holy and of Maria Giuseppina, let us spur one another on, today, now, to repel the temptation of discouragement and despondency, striving to remain focused on our individual call to bear fruit, in plenty, and not mere appearance: never this. In this way we give joy to Mary, our Mother, and console Her Immaculate Heart, as She consoles and helps all those who confidently invoke the Universal Coredemptrix to be saved.

And now together let us pray to the Almighty Father with the prayer revealed by Jesus to Maria Giuseppina Norcia on 15 April 1982:

Almighty Father,
we offer You the sorrowful Passion of Jesus,
His glorious Ascension to You,
for these hard and difficult times.
Lord, have mercy.

Consecration to the Father’s Heart
To You, my Lord, I Offer my life, my everyday life.
Make me partake in Your Love so to win in Your Name.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.