In the economy of God,
everything is brought to fulfilment
May 19th, 2022
Feast of the Christianity Healing
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Today we are living the Feast of Christianity that heals. May 19th is the day of the miraculous healing of Maria Giuseppina Norcia. Through Her healing, we celebrate the healing of all the Christendom which has been redeemed by means of the ‘yes’ of this young Maiden, from the abyss to which it was destined.
If Maria Giuseppina Norcia would have not said that “yes” to meet the Father’s call, there would have been nothing left to do for Christianity. Just as Maria Giuseppina was mortally ill physically, Christianity was in fact mortally ill inwardly, destined to perish.
In the economy of God, everything has been accomplished. Thanks to her “yes” to the Father’s plan of salvation, Maria Giuseppina, the Maiden of God, helped Heaven in redeeming Christianity, which was mortally ill due to sin. And thus, through the action of His Son, the Father intervened healing Maria Giuseppina, who was sick in her body but holy in her soul.
Here is that, in Maria Giuseppina, the suffering offered for love bore much fruit. Her obedience, her humility and her purity offered out of love for the Father have borne fruit, for all those whom God over time has entrusted, entrusts and will entrust to her, in the living communion between Heaven and Earth.
On the example of Maria Giuseppina, all of us are called today to do the same: to offer our life and our everyday life to the Father so to be holy, to live as saints and to welcome the will of He who is Holy, without hesitation or afterthought, so that He who is, can make use of each one of us as it pleases Him.
«Do with me as it pleases You: Your Will be done». In this little but profound prayer is contained the entire life journey of Maria Giuseppina, who gave herself to the Father without any human calculations. And the Father, in His infinite love, has given her His abundant and infinite grace. And filled with the infinite grace of the Father, Maria Giuseppina enclosed and guarded the Child Jesus in her heart, so that He might be reborn by the work of the Holy Spirit, in the hearts of all those who were not living and no longer live in communion with the Son of God.
Therefore, through her prayer and her living daily offerings, she has re-established this covenant of love in the hearts of many, who, thanks to her motherly intercession, have returned to live God as the only primary Good, rejecting all that is evil and sin.
Holy Mother, fill us today with your infinite grace, so that we may become as you are: steadfast and ardent in faith, holy in proclaiming it and truthful in defending it. And so be it.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.