Let us love the Sign of the Christian
faith and of our civilization
September 14th , 2022
Solemn Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
“Bear in mind the Cross that enlightens the world, the one only Light of death and resurrection”. These are the words given to us by Our Lady through Maria Giuseppina. On this day, the solemn feast of the Most Holy Cross, we join Mary remaining at the foot of the Cross and contemplating He who saves. Together with Mary and John, the Apostle of Love, on this day, we together, offer all our love, our life, all our sufferings, all our sorrows, all our joys, to be united with He who is the Redeemer and She who is the Coredemptrix, to save all those who want to be saved, by embracing and strongly clinging to the cross, to our daily cross, as Jesus did and Mary, the faithful handmaid did, She who remained faithful to the Son at the foot of the Cross, offering Her own pain to the Father so to join Her Son’s sacrifice for the salvation of the whole world, always remaining docile and obedient to the Father’s will, never denying, never backing down.
Here is the example of Mary, She who leads us to understand and penetrate the great Mystery of the Cross. Not a mystery of defeat, but a mystery of joy, of victory. Here is the Light that vanquishes the darkness. Here is the Cross of Christ and of His sons that crushes this iniquitous and wicked world. Here is the Cross of death and resurrection: dying to the world’s eyes and towards sin, in order to resurrect already from now, in this life, in Christ, new life, to then resurrect eternally in the life that will come, is to come, is near, is here.
Here is the living Transfiguration that every son of God is called to live today. To climb the Holy Mountain and dwell in the Tent of God, that Tent of the one and eternal Covenant in which Jesus converses with His sons, so that the saints of the past, will unite more and more with those who want today to be holy for the triumph of Christianity, of Jesus, of His Commandments and His teachings, putting at the centre the primary Good that is Love.
This is what we are called to do today. To put this symbol, the Cross of Jesus, back at the centre of our life, embracing it, loving it and carry it with holy pride. This is the symbol that characterizes all Christians and that characterizes our civilization, our authentic roots and our history: symbol of the victory of Love over hatred and evil, over every war that arises in the heart of those who, losing union with Christ, seek to prevail over their brothers, over their fellowmen, allowing themselves to be overcome by hatred, jealousy, rivalry and selfishness. Here is the Cross that conquers the world, the sin and every unholy feeling. Here is the Cross of Light, of Light’s victory over darkness, over the gloom and dense fog that envelops the hearts of many men and nations.
Today is the day of Christian pride, of a renewed enthusiasm that must animate every Christian who is not ashamed of the Cross, of showing it and manifesting it. Not an ostentation, but love, testimony, a sign of thanksgiving and gratitude towards He who offered His life for our salvation.
Love the cross. Don’t be afraid to embrace it and to manifest it. To each his own, knowing that God the Father Almighty gives everyone the necessary strength to carry, to bear and offer every burden of the everyday life. “If the Lord gives a burden, he also gives the strength to carry it“: these are the words that John Paul I gave us.
This is why I say to you all: live and offer every day all to Jesus, every pain and every joy. Do not look at the cross of others but love your own, asking Jesus and Mary for the strength to carry it with joy; the force to be strong, to overcome your “self” and every temptation; to overcome haughtiness and arrogance, to overcome falsehood and every iniquity.
Here is that today, in this day that crosses the narrow limits of human time and earthly law, the Cross wins, as Christ has defeated evil and the evil one.
Today the Cross makes and will make even more manifest the mystery of iniquity, of those who sell off the Cross bringing everyone to converge in a liquid ideology that is empty of Jesus, of His teachings, of His infinite Love.
Beloved brothers and beloved sisters, dear and beloved young people, be you joy today for Jesus. Offer Him today all your love, so that Jesus, the One who once again becomes a beggar for Love, may collect every drop of your love to offer it to the Father, so that the Father, in His Goodness and Omnipotence, may dispense grace and mercy to His sons and do justice to the least and the little ones, to the oppressed and the hungry in their soul and body.
As Mary proclaimed in the Magnificat, may it be today, the day of the exaltation of the Most Holy Cross, a day of song and jubilation, because the Father has welcomed the prayers of His sons, sending back empty-handed those who are rich in all that is world and raising those who make themselves humble and little for God, those who, following Mary’s example, have lowered themselves to serve Christ and to remain faithful to Him to the end, whatever the cost, remaining here on this Holy Mountain, Galilee of all the people, New Jerusalem, at the foot of the Cross of Light that enlightens the world, the Golden Cross, the Cross of victory over evil and sin, over the last death, to receive true Life as a reward. Christ the Way, the Truth and Life.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.