Let your spirit ascend,
to live Heaven already from now

May 26th, 2022
Ascension Thursday
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved sons and brothers, today we live the day of the Ascension, that all together we will celebrate next Sunday. This day is of particular relevance for Christianity; it’s the day on which Jesus opened the gates of Heaven by His Ascension. It was a Feast in Heaven, a great Feast. It’s the first most beautiful Feast, as Jesus revealed to His Maiden, in the waiting to live the second most beautiful Feast, the Ascension to Heaven of Mary Most Holy, to then live the third, Jesus’s return among us, that has been accomplished and will be definitively accomplished in the New Jerusalem by the victory of Good over evil.

Here is our itinerary to reach the final destination. And here is that, on the example of Jesus and on the example of Mary, every day we are called already from now to ascend, not so much with our body for the Father knows how long we will walk this Earth, but certainly with our spirit and soul, so to experience Heaven already now. To be able to do this, our “self” must succumb to make room for God, to dwell in us. In this way, although still on this Earth, already in this life, we may experience Heaven by ascending, being thus able to live and taste the delights of Heaven, in union with Jesus, in union with Mary and in union with all the Saints, Angels and Celestial Powers.

The example is given to us by the Maiden of God, She who was called by the Father to bring His Plan of Love and Redemption to completion. Her daily life, that many of us have experienced, helps us to understand concretely how to live as if we were already ascended to Heaven; by following Her example, by embodying it in our daily lives, by letting our “self” die allowing God to be one with us, everything will become easy.

Here is the simplicity that manifests the depths of Heaven. Here is this Feast to which we are all invited.

Let us remain united to the Maiden of God to be able to incarnate Her virtues, to be able to welcome Jesus now into our lives, to make Jesus dwell in our hearts, to be able to live Him in plenitude. By doing so, we experience Heaven, even in our daily life, even in our daily sufferings, that are a small thing compared to the grace that Jesus bestows on us by remaining in communion with His Heart every moment, every instant of our Life.

Let us remain obedient, pure and humble, to put Love, the Commandment of Love, at the centre of our life, loving God and loving our brothers and sisters to the full. This is how to ascend and experience Heaven, in the hope of being able to live it in fullness when Heaven and Earth will totally be a unique reality and peace and love will be stable on this Earth.

May Jesus, who ascended to Heaven, bless us today and always in His Holy Name of Father, of Son and of Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.