O “Mary Help of Christians”, help us to win.
O “Queen of Victories”, here is Your Dwelling Place
May 24th, 2022
Mary Most Holy, Help of Christians
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Beloved sons and brothers, great is the joy for the day we are living today, again another day dedicated to Mary. Mary, Rescuer of all Christians, Help of all Christians. Mary will always help those who invoke Her with faith and ask for Her help with a sincere heart, so to become as She is, perfect in faith, and to become a dwelling place where God can find rest.
Here is the example of the Eternal Maiden, She who widely opened Her Heart allowing the Child Jesus to dwell in Her Heart, so that Jesus could grow-up and become an adult in the hearts of many, and thus, by remaining children in heart, could become giants in faith, mature, saints, saints, saints in full. This is what Mary does. This is what is possible to obtain by a complete union with Mary, by becoming one in Mary, with Mary and for Mary.
This day brings us back to the time when Mary, appearing to St. John Bosco, said: “Hic domus mea, inde gloria mea”, “This is my house, therefore my glory”. These words are completely fulfilled in the New Jerusalem because the New Jerusalem is the House of Mary. Mary, New Jerusalem, is the Dwelling Place that welcomes everyone, so that many, on Her example, may become in turn a dwelling place, a living cradle to welcome He who is, He who saves, the King of kings, He who comes, has come, is!
Here is Mary who will lead Her sons to every victory. Mary, the Queen of Victories. This is what happened at a time when the Christians were strongly attacked in a decisive battle. In the waters of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, the Christians raised the banner of the cross on the ship of those who would have wanted to destroy them. And the Pontiff, guided by the Holy Spirit, exclaimed: ‘victory, victory, we have won’.
This is what we want, all together, to exclaim once again, when Mary and Her sons will defeat the evil one and his children, in order to be able to cry out with one voice: “victory, we have won”. And, at the moment when evil is vanquished, peace will be stable on Earth.
May Mary Most Holy, Help of Christians and Queen of Victories, bless us today and always, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.