This Church is consecrated
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

October 5th , 2022
7th Anniversary of the constitution of the Church
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Let us continue to live prayer and fraternal union, that accompany us during this Triduum of Feast for the seventh anniversary of the earthly constitution of the Mother Church. In this itinerary, which projects us to live Jesus in fullness, we remain grafted into the Immaculate Heart of Mary finding in this Mother’s Heart all that is needed to live a peaceful and holy life, banishing the disorder and the confusion that reigns in this world. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is rest. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is shelter. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is everything. And we, sons of Mary, want to live every day in this Heart, consecrating ourselves every day to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, offering ourselves, our life and our daily life to Jesus, through this pure and holy Heart, which helps us to understand, love and relish the Heart of Jesus, a merciful, holy and above all, good, good, infinitely good Heart.

Living the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, means to live God’s Kingdom already from now, on this Earth. The enemy of God and his temptations and flatteries can do nothing. The enemy of God is not able to do anything against the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we live the serenity and humility of She Who is Mother; we breathe the Goodness and Holiness of Her Son; we live sheltered from the elements and from all that comes from the world. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is the Place of shelter for every good Christian, for those who live to do the will of Jesus, desiring above everything else to live as a saint, placing the only primary Good, that is God, at the centre of their daily life, wanting to know and put into practice his true Love, that is One and Triune, thus to live and bring everyone to live his Word, that is timeless and eternal.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are all one: they are a unique intertwining of Love that only the true sons of God and those who are animated by good and holy will, can understand, stripping of their ‘self’ and of their own convictions and prejudices, letting themselves be clothed by the only Light that descends from Heaven and enlightens the world, sanctifies, vivifies all those who embrace the Cross to win and make Christianity win in this world, by all their heart and will, thus to be and to make all be in the one only Life, which is and always more and more will be.

This is the serenity and awareness lacking in this world now, because winds of war and infidelity are increasingly approaching, and will protract in a time in which this humanity will experience a living and profound decadence, because mankind has not wanted to listen to the call of Heaven that invited everyone, in time and betimes, to consecrate themselves all to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to live a true and holy consecration, so to be able to overcome the enemy of God, to strike down every sin and wipe off every guilt.

Here is this Corner of Paradise, the only source of light that comes from the Father’s Heart, passes through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and reaches the hearts of her sons: that light that many would like to see, that many already see but that others will not see.

Blessed are those who arrive at the New Jerusalem, for they will taste the delights of God and will truly be able to know He who is, here descended from Heaven, in that full and reciprocal knowledge which is the breath of Life, the yearning for Life, Life.

Here, Jesus teaches us to practice obedience, purity and humility, towards God the Almighty Father, following the example of Mary. Obedience to God sets us free from the slavery of sin that’s dominating this world. Purity makes us be as Mary is, so that our body, Temple of the Holy Spirit, may be able to contain the uncontainable, so that the Spirit of God can permanently dwell in us. Humility keeps far the enemy of God, the one who is haughty and rebellious, who flees in front of Mary, the humble handmaid who kept her heart pure and never disobeyed the Father.

Many today have forgotten and thwarted the sacrifice of the Son of God with their sacrilegious and lustful actions. Those who want to show fidelity to Christ following the example of Mary, are to come to the New Jerusalem, the safe landing and harbour. Those who want to console the Heart of Mary so desolated because of the infidelity of many, too many sons who call themselves Christians and of so many who are insensitive to her Love and her call as Mother, are to come here, to join the angels of Heaven, to join those who live to be holy and to increase the number of the hosts of Mary’s army, to bring to everyone the Love and Salvation of Jesus, He who saves, the only begotten Saviour and Redeemer of the world.

Come, all of you, who want to fight the good battle of faith. Come, all of you, who do not want to run in vain and lose yourselves in the ways of this world. Come, all of you who love prayer, trusting in prayer as the most important and decisive weapon to overcome the evil that is rampant in this world. Prayer and Love. Prayer and brotherhood. Here is the importance and power of prayer, here is the importance and the power of the Holy Rosary, the important weapon to combat every sin and every temptation of the enemy of God.

In every prayer, take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In every prayer, invoke the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In every prayer, unite yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, because together with Mary, Mary, Mary, we can and must compel to retreat the enemy of God and each one of his children, to free from this diabolical bond many lukewarm and slumbering hearts, that are narcotized by a diabolical poison  and do not know and no longer feel the perfume of the pure and holy Love: that Love that comes from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and from the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And so be it.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.