We thank the Father
for having given us this new Home
October 4th 2022
7th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Church
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Beloved sons and brothers, it’s Feast today, a great Feast, the seventh anniversary of the earthly constitution of the Mother Church. And on this particular occasion, let us thank all together God the Almighty Father for having cast his gaze upon us and for having visited us and enlivened us with his infinite mercy, sending us his Holy Spirit, who descended and settled here, placing His Tent in this Land of Love, so that all sons eager to reach the final destination, may now dwell in this Tent, the Tabernacle of the living God, no longer having to submit to a heavy yoke that didn’t allow the sons to live in freedom and serenity, in the harmony that the Father and the Son with His saving sacrifice had given them.
Thanks to the pure heart of a humble Maiden, the Father re-founded his Church here, reconstituting and re-stipulating the Covenant with the Christian people who remained faithful to Him. Here is the Few Remnant People of the Israel of God, prophesied and announced by Isaiah and by many prophets, martyrs and saints, who gave their lives for this fulfilment. Here is St. Francis, the humble young shepherd of God, whom we remember and celebrate with special emphasis today, he who more than others gave himself to restore the Church of Christ, which was in ruins at that time. And here is another Francis, Padre Pio, who, with his example, with his prayer, with his sufferings, exhortations, preaching and miraculous signs, gave himself to raise again, in these times, from the inside, that same Courtyard, the House of Christ, but without however succeeding, not for his fault but for the stubborn hostility of those who have not accepted neither the invitations nor the envoys of the Father. But the Father, in His infinite mercy, didn’t want to leave his sons as orphans, and once again has given all Himself, putting Himself at stake in first Person by sending in time and betimes His Son again, who has come down to dwell in His Little Cradle and to raise Christianity up again, driving away the underworld that has taken over a Courtyard of His House but that can do nothing and never will be able to do anything against Christ and His faithful sons.
In this House, Church, Jesus awaits you. Come, all of you, weary and oppressed by the weight of this world. Here Jesus nourishes you with his Bread and quenches your thirst with his purifying and vivifying water. Here Mary awaits you to let you rest on her pure and Immaculate Heart, where everyone can find rest and shelter, peace and serenity. Come, you all, brothers and sisters, to thank together the Father for His immense Goodness, for having given us again a part of His One and Triune Heart, to make us experience His living presence among us. Come, to thank together She who reflects the Trinitarian substance of God, Mary, She who is … Handmaid, Bride and Mother of God; Daughter, Universal Mother, Assumpted to Heaven; Immaculate, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Universal Coredemptrix. Come, so to live together the true brotherhood and to practice unitedly the teaching of Jesus: “Love one another as I love you“. Come, the Mother Church awaits you, to give you love, not as the world offers, but as Jesus and Mary teach: pure and holy love, towards God and all neighbours, placing at the centre the sacredness of life and the family as God the Father Almighty willed it. Come, so to live as good Christians, leaving every anxiety, every grief and every ugliness to the world. Live as docile sheep of God’s flock. The Good Shepherd leads you, so to be all in this mystical Body, grafted into the Father’s Heart, to be holy limbs of this Body, consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that is the refuge for all those who want to live Love and Peace, Joy and Sincerity, to live every day in holiness, to overcome every falsehood and dwell all together in the one Truth that gives Life, the sign of the Goodness and Holiness of the, Good and Holy, Merciful and Righteous Father, who manifests Himself in Christ the Lord.
Blessed are all of you who believe and already enjoy the unique harmony that unites Heaven and Earth, which will now be renewed and purified by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, who in His action will descend copiously and abundantly from Heaven. Many are those who will live the New Jerusalem from Heaven; many others are and will be those who will know it by coming to this Land, for being able to live and inhabit it already from now, as a reward and fulfilment of the earthly journey of good Christians and men and women animated by good will.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.