With saint Francis we Live the transition
from a seat remained vacant to a new Home

October 3rd, 2022
7th Anniversary of the constitution of the Church
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Today we live the eve of the earthly Constitution of the Mother Church, a day of transition from a seat remained vacant to a new House, Church, that the Father has wanted to give to us, His sons. Even St. Francis, on this day, in the year 1226, experienced his transition, for he passed from the death of the flesh to the life in Christ the Lord. Today this is what must be for many.

Today we want to gather around this great saint, a little Christ, to imbibe in our hearts the words that he spoke to his brothers gathered around him before his earthly death. St. Francis said to them: “Be steadfast, all you children, in the fear of the Lord and always persevere through it! And since temptation and tribulation are about to come, blessed are those who persevere on the journey they have begun”. These his words are alive more than ever today. And I invite you to welcome them in your heart, so to incarnate his virtues and become, following his example, perfect tools of the Love and Peace of Christ.

On the example of St. Francis, be steadfast in faith and persevere, overcoming every temptation, pursuing the path already taken. Those who have put their hand to the plough, are to move forward in union with Jesus without fear, full of love for their brothers and for Mary, consecrating themselves every day to her Immaculate Heart. Be charitable towards others but uncompromising towards all that is evil and sin. Do not let yourselves be conditioned by the dominant thought of this world, which continually tramples on the healthy and holy Christian doctrine to follow human doctrines, indulging the insane itches that characterise this adulterous and perverse generation to turn to fairy tales.

Let it not be so for you. On the example of St. Francis, love and persevere in true Love, Christ the Love, joyfully bringing his example to everyone, remaining humble and joyful, praising God for the call received, offering everything out of Love, always bearing in heart the signs of his passion, just as those signs were alive in Francis’s flesh, never forgetting that Jesus redeemed us at a high price, at the price of his own life. Love, hope and persevere, as Mary teaches us to do. This is what Francis did. And this is what we will do, as sons of Mary, as sons of this Mother Church, wanting to embody the Franciscan spirit of obedience, purity and humility, so that through us, the example of Francis may continue to walk the streets of this world, bringing everyone the joy of living in Christ and Mary. This was done by the first Saint Francis and this was done by another Francis, Padre Pio, by embodying that evangelical spirit that must now dwell in the hearts of the sons of the Mother Church, bringing to everyone the true example of Francis, thus removing the temptation of those who want to use the holy name of Jesus and the holy name of Francis for other purposes, that are contrary to Christ, contrary to Francis, Saint Francis, and contrary to the Only Begotten Spirit who is Holy.

Let us remain grafted into the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as Jesus did and as Francis did, because in the presence of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the enemy of God and all his children will have only to flee, because Mary and her lineage have already won and will always overcome what is evil, to free from this diabolical bond so many hearts that are weighed down, amorphous, and no longer know the pure and essential love.

We thank you Heavenly Father for having given us this tool, this son of yours: Francis. Help us to incarnate his example and his virtues. Help us to carry with joy everything that characterized the life of Jesus so we may bring to everyone that peace, the joy and love that characterized the life of this Saint and thus to be able to bring his spirit, his true and holy name to live and be lived on the streets of this world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.