Beloved young people, saint Valentine
leads you to the true Love that saves:

February 14th, 2023
Meditation of the Day by Pontiff Samuel


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, the Church celebrates the memory of the Martyr Saint Valentine, and of the Saints Cyril and Methodius, the co-patrons of Europe, the so-called Apostles of the Slavs who managed to evangelise these peoples of Eastern Europe by introducing a new alphabet, enabling them to gain access to the Holy Scriptures and to appreciate and embrace Jesus, His Life, the Love made Person.

Here is the interweaving of Love that, on this day, links St Valentine and the two Saints Cyril and Methodius: Love, Christ the Love, He who draws all people to Himself, in the one only Love that saves.

Saint Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, a saint, a great saint: he died martyr to bear witness to his love for God till the end. He became famous for having indulged the holy desire of an engaged couple to be united in the sacred bond of marriage. Bishop Saint Valentine guided the pagan betrothed to become a Christian, to be baptised and thus to be able to accomplish his desire of love, that of marrying his beloved woman.

Here is the courage and wisdom of this great Saint, who led the two young people in joining together in human love, but giving priority to divine Love. And in Christ the Love, everything has been fulfilled.

Beloved young people, this teaching must be anew the centre of your path. Seek Christ and his true and authentic Love before everything; and all the rest will be given to you in addition. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by a false teaching that would want to grant everything in the name of human love. Do not fall into the arms of just anyone. Do not listen to the song of the human mermaids who disregard the Creator and the natural order of His creatures. Flee from the temptation and the lie of those who would have you believe that evil is good and good is evil. This is not love but lack of love.

Take example from Bishop Valentine who said to the young lovers: “To love one another, you must not be two, but three: you, her and Jesus”.

Take example from Bishop Valentine who, under torture, responded indomitably: “I fear no torments whatsoever. I am ready to endure them rather than offend my God”.

Take the example of Bishop Valentine who, accused of fomenting Rome and of wanting to convert the Romans to the new Christian religion, replied that “that was the will of God who alone is Master, creator of Heaven and Earth, the one and only true God”; and also said: “it is necessary to primarily obey God rather than men”.

Beloved young people, Love is the most beautiful thing there is. Give your life for what counts most, for the only true Love for which it is worth living this life: Jesus, the Friend Jesus, the Brother Jesus, who in His infinite Love will give you, even humanly, everything that is most convenient for your salvation and for your happiness, earthly and heavenly above all.

Make your own the words of Maria Giuseppina and great will be the reward and joy you will derive from them. Together with Her, today let us say again: “I love You, Jesus, I love You so much, I rely on You, do not leave me alone. Do with me as you please: Your Will be done”.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.