As you did,
teach us to love Mary first and so Jesus
March 18th, 2021
Solemn Feast of St. Joseph
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers and dear sisters, already from now we live the liturgical feast of Saint Joseph, a solemn feast so dear to our Church. Let us celebrate St. Joseph, honouring him with the same titles we bestowed on him in the pontifical decree of March 25, 2019, entitled “Glorious St. Joseph”, which lays down that St. Joseph is venerated not only as guardian of the Holy Family and Patron Saint of the Universal Church but also as Guardian of the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, Guardian of Christianity and Patron Saint of every family.
St. Joseph is indeed the Guardian of the Holy Family, whose sacredness and example is today forgotten by many. St. Joseph is indeed the Patron Saint of the Universal Church, and now he lives in this Church over which hell will never prevail because this Church will never sell‑off faith in the Son of God, will never discard the stone that has become the cornerstone and will never discard the saving sacrifice of the Son of God.
But St. Joseph is also the Guardian of the “Little Cradle” of Baby Jesus, the centre of God’s infinite mercy, Home of the Child Jesus who dwells in this Land of Love, who has placed his Tent in this Land of love to manifest Himself to the whole world and to gather all the peoples in the New Jerusalem, the Only Tabernacle of God.
St. Joseph is also the Guardian of Christianity which, although in these times under attack by the evil spirit as never before, will never succumb but will overcome the evil one, will overcome the evil one and all his followers, will overcome all those who have betrayed Jesus for having prostrated before idols and apostatizing from the only Truth that saves. With his rod St. Joseph stands in defence of his Son and his teachings.
St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of every family, which is now threatened more than ever. In the Christian families must reign holiness and harmony and the scent of love between husband and wife, between parents and children and this love and this harmony must pervade all the house, must pervade everything and everyone, so that the family, as in origin willed by the Father in the union between a man and a woman, may support and lead to victory this society, that hates the family and is doing everything to destroy it, not realizing that destroying the family means destroying the whole civil society.
Let us pray St. Joseph. Let us entrust ourselves to his heart to attain his protection and through his intercession, every grace. As fathers, we are called to imitate his virtues: by loving and respecting our bride, as Saint Joseph did; by loving, protecting and helping to raise the children, as Saint Joseph did; by defending the family with all our strength; by defending the Christianity that Jesus, Joseph and Mary gave us; by defending the new Covenant that the Father has renewed here through the Child Jesus, who came down again from Heaven to lead this humanity, fallen prey of indifference and apostasy, to reach salvation. Now, as then, St. Joseph shows us the Way, that goes from welcoming, loving and living Mary first to then welcoming, loving and living Jesus in perfection. This is the journey made by Joseph. And this is the journey we want to follow. Only by consecrating our lives to Mary we will be able to be in total communion with Jesus and participate in the Father’s Plan of Love and Redemption for the salvation of all souls. Only by loving Christ, the Redeemer, and by loving Mary, the Coredemptrix, we can live the true communion with the Father’s Heart, which here, in the New Jerusalem, manifests His countenance as true Man and true God, One and Triune, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Glorious St. Joseph, we entrust ourselves to You. On your example, help us to be vigilant and ready, humble and strong, docile and determined, obedient and holy, always ready to do the Father’s will, not our own. With your stick, guide us to love Mary and Jesus as You love them. Protect us with your stick, strike the evil one and every temptation away. And with your stick, guide everyone to the New Jerusalem, show everyone the way where the divine Child awaits and will await all to lead them into the Father’s Heart, the eternal abode of Love and Life. And so be it.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.