Let us contemplate the wound
of the right hand of Jesus.
For the family
February 19th, 2021
1st Friday of Lent
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers and sisters, today we live together the first Friday of Lent of the year of the Lord.
During this year, it’s my desire that this Church may put back at the centre of our prayer, of our daily offering and of all what Christian charity entails, the devotion to the five wounds of Jesus.
So I now establish that the first 5 Fridays of Lent will be dedicated to the contemplation of the 5 wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.
On the first Friday of Lent, we will contemplate the holy wound inflicted to His right hand; on the second Friday, the holy wound inflicted to His left hand; on the third Friday, the holy wound inflicted to His right foot; on the fourth Friday, the holy wound inflicted to His left foot; finally, on the fifth Friday, the holy wound inflicted to His side, pierced by the blow of a spear.
Then following, on the sixth Friday of Lent, which precedes Palm Sunday, we will contemplate and join to the pain of Our Lady of Sorrows, whose soul was pierced by a sword, as foretold Her by the prophet Simeon.
On Good Friday, the seventh Friday of Lent, we will contemplate the crucifixion and death on the cross of Jesus, the culmination of His painful passion.
Today we contemplate the wound of the right hand of Jesus. And we offer our prayers and all our devotion, sacrifices and suffering for the triumph of the Family, which the Father has given us on the example of the Holy Family, in the holy union between a man and a woman, so that the holy love may triumph and humanity may be fruitful and multiply.
«Praise and honour to You, Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords. In honour of the holy wound of your right hand, we offer You our prayers and all our sacrifices and acts of Christian charity. On this day, for the holy wound of your right hand, we ask You to protect and to grant victory to the Family, which the Father has set up in the holy union between a man and a woman; as has been given to You through St. Joseph and Mary Most Holy. On your example, help every Family, the domestic church, which entrusts itself to You, to Saint Joseph and to Mary, your and our mother, so that every Christian family and every family of good will may win and be the centre of life for us all. And so be it».
Prayer to the Almighty Father
Consecration to the Father’s Heart
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.