On the example of padre Pio
fight and overcome sin
and every temptation
September 23rd, 2021
Saint Padre Pio
Meditation of the day of Pontiff Samuel
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear brothers, today we live the day that Christianity dedicates to Padre Pio, the Saint who offered his life for the love of Jesus. In his flesh, Padre Pio has borne the signs of the Passion of Jesus. He is the martyr Saint sent by the Father to revive, on the example of St Francis, the Courtyard of the Church of Christ, which already then was going adrift. He immolated himself for the love of Jesus and for the love of all Christians. He joined Jesus on the wood of the cross, co‑participating in the mystery of co‑redemption. He shed his blood on the wood of the spiritual cross, on which he was nailed by many of his brethren who derided him and passed him off as a liar. But Padre Pio meekly embraced the cross, offering everything for the love of the Lord.
Beloved brothers, his sacrifice has not been in vain and must never be in vain. This is true for everyone and especially for those who are called to be God’s Ministers, God’s spokespersons. This holy martyr of Christianity will always be honoured in this Church, not only with words but with example, with living and holy deeds and actions. Since his youth, even before becoming a friar, Padre Pio loved Jesus above all things. Here is the example that you, beloved young people, must live today. Here is the example of this holy man who loved Jesus wholeheartedly and offered his life for love of Jesus. Beloved young people, don’t waste your time running after all what is worldly and vanity, but be in joy already from now, so to live a righteous and holy life, to manifest to the world the essence and substance of being true men and true Christians. Always be industrious and operating, ready to do the Father’s will. Be obedient, pure and humble; good, upright and generous, to manifest to the world the victorious Cross of Christ, symbol of victory over the world and sin.
The love for the Cross of Christ drove Padre Pio to struggle every day to defeat evil, fighting with the weapons of humility, love, faith, courage and the holy pride of he who never gave up despite many trials and many humiliations. God has won; in his infinite Goodness, God has arranged everything for the benefit of those who love Jesus. For this reason, today I say to you: “Following the example of Padre Pio, be holy, be holy, be holy, humble and proud, with your gaze alive and held high, proclaiming the Truth of Jesus who is Life for so many who have lost the Way”.
Padre Pio, from Heaven, is now united with us all, in the living communion of saints, in the living communion between Heaven and Earth. Padre Pio dwells in the Castle of Souls. And from the New Jerusalem he helps us and will help us more and more to overcome evil and every temptation. Be strong and withstand every temptation. Under trial and temptation, invoke Jesus and invoke Mary, so that the enemy flees and Good may win. Just as Padre Pio did, fight and win. Never let despondency or discouragement overcome you. Be strong and courageous, I say again. And on the example of this saint, be devoted to the angels and the Archangels. Be devoted to Mary, so that our good and tender Mother may always help us and lead us every day on the path of holiness and love, of purity and obedience, to be able to serve the Father as She did in perfection.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.