Solemn Feast of Holy Christmas

December 25th 2017

Gospel: John 1,1-18
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel


«The Word became flesh, He lived among us», says the Evangelist John (Jn 1:14). Christ, the Word of God, who through the Holy Spirit was born of Mary (Mt 1:20), the Immaculate Conception, the Immaculate of the Holy Spirit, the Immaculate Faithful to Her Lord, became flesh and came to dwell in this Land to save humanity (Lk 2:34); and to bring the part of humanity remained faithful, back to the initial splendour, and where no more death, and no more mourning or sadness or pain (Rev 21:4) will plague the hearts of God’s sons.

To this humanity, the Father gave part of Himself, to make Him grow in our midst, so that we might be renewed in our heart (1Pe 1:23), so that in the dark night (Jn 1:5) in which the world lives (Jn 3:19), we could be new day and new life (Rm 6,4), new rebirth (Gc 1:18), and so to give light, to be light and to transmit the light (Jn 1:9) of the One who is born, the Saviour (Lk 2:11); to win the world and give back to this humanity, the initial beauty, a true brotherhood, a holy harmony.

On the Feast of Christmas, this is what every man and every woman is called to understand, to know and to experience: the joy, the beauty and the desire to rejoice together for this birth (Lk 2:10), understand its meaning so to be renewed in heart (Eph 4:21-24). And to be able so to live this birth, this rebirth (Jn 3:6); and to understand the Father’s thought and His live will, which goes beyond every word and every gesture, because, through the Christmas of Christ, the Father brings everything and everyone back to the essentiality of the direct relationship between the sons and the Father; between the sons and the Mother: Mary, the Mother, She who has created all by the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:35), bowing down to be servant (Lk 1:48a) and to be raised in His presence (Lk 1,49); and to give back to everyone, at Christ’s birth, the new life, that is essentially and substantially Life.

Here is the Christian value. Here are the Christian values ​​that must be transmitted, so that no one may disperse them; so that no one may ever put aside these values, which are the basis of the life of every man and every woman: the values ​​that are in the Father’s Heart and through the Son, that is born and descended from Heaven, are transmitted and made known, allowing everyone to embody them. And to be so true sons of God (1Jn 3:1).

In Christ’s universal message, life is placed at the centre. So that everyone, in order to live the Life, will have to lose it so to find it new and renewed in the One who is Life (Mt 16:25). In order to allow the Life in God to grow in us, we must decrease our “self” (Jn 3:30); putting aside our old “self” and clothing ourselves of the Light of Christ (Is 60:1), so to give priority to the true supreme good: God.  

In order to be able to advance in all this, we must prostrate our “self”, so that, by pronouncing our abandonment to the Father’s will (Mt 6:10), we may obtain the fatherly abundance, to find ourselves and to be never lost again.

This is Christmas: to lose ourselves in order to converge to the One who leads to Life, the One who is Life (Col 3:3): that is what many fail to understand; that is what many lose day after day, losing themselves in the ways of this world; that is what many try to sell-off for ephemeral goods and for an apparent harmony; that is what many lose in totality at the hands of others, no longer savouring the taste of life, no longer savouring the taste of converging so to find themselves again. But it is a total dispersion to never be able to find themselves again.

At the centre of every Christian’s life there is the One who is Life (1Jn 5:12), Christ, the Saviour, Way, Truth and Life (Jn 14:6).

«Put your trust in Christ. Be reborn in Christ to be reborn from Above (Jn 3:3) and understand the essence of the Father’s Project: Project of Salvation for humanity».

This is the Good that this Church, wanted by the Father, wishes to everyone, to every son of good will, to all those who are in search of the Truth (cf. Jn 8:32).

«Come to the Grotto of the New Jerusalem. Come to the Land of Love, chosen by the Father to renew the world in the one and only universal message, which brings to the centre the Son, the Son of the Most High: the Land of Love given to this humanity, so that they may recognize themselves in His paternal universality».

“The” Word (Jn 1:1): God, Father; God, Son; God, Holy Spirit. This is the creed of every son of God. This is the loyalty that every son wants to give to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; to Her, the universal Mother, who has generated all this (Mt 1:25).

To every Christian, I say: «Know how to announce the Christmas of Christ (cf. Lk 2:10-11)».

To every Christian, I say: «Know how to announce the Christmas of Mary, who gave life to Her Son». The day in which Mary gave birth to the Son of God, was also “the” Christmas for Her, because in the Father, Mary, was reborn in the Son. This is the conjunction of the Christmas of Christ and the Christmas of Mary, to make everyone live the Christmas of humanity.

To every Christian, I say: «Do not lose yourself. Find yourself more and more in Christ, so that His birth and our rebirth may increasingly bear fruit, to be essence and substance of the Truth that walks in this world (cf. Jn 5:24-25). Do not lower your head, as though “humiliated”. Be proud and humble; holy and truthful. And transmit your sonship (Jn 1:12), your essence. Bear “the burden” (cf. Nm 11:14, Dt 1:12) of being Christian with joy, with will. Bear “the burden” (cf. 2Cor 4:17) of Christianity so to be light in spirit, because your spirit is alive, just as the action of this House, of this Church is alive, that manifests Its essence in the Christmas of Christ».

To His humble Handmaid (cf. Lk 1:38), who welcomed Him in this Cradle of Love, Jesus said: «Last Grotto of Baby Jesus». The Grotto of Life, of Eternal Life: no longer the starting point but the arriving point to contemplate the Son of God.

«Come in this second and last Gotto, because there will never ever be another one again».

«Come, you little children (Lk 10:21), that have won God’s favour (Lk 1:30) close to His Heart. Little ones for the world but great for God (Mt 11:25)».

«Come you all, who are in search of Truth (cf. Lk 11:9-10): the Divine Child (Lk 1:12) awaits you. A son was born: your Saviour (Lk 2:11). Here He awaits you to give you His love. A Son was born, the Son of the Fruit of the Holy Love. Come, with a sincere heart. Leave every weight, leave all uncertainty. Come to embrace the Rock (Ps 95:1; 1Cor 10:4). Come (Psalm 46; 66:5; 95:6). Leave those who have died (Lk 9:60) and embrace Life. Come you all, for the time of the Father expires».

On this day, I renew to you all my heartfelt wish that every Christian and every man and woman of good will, may rediscover, today, the Christmas of the Son of God, and may abide in His Heart so to let Him enter our hearts and so be renewed in our depth. And so be it.