Spirituality and Homilies
Year 2019
Maria is. Her Spirit is. Her Name is and always will be
Homily, September 12, 2019 (Draft)
We sons of Mary want to embody Her Virtues
Homily, September 8, 2019 (Draft)
This is our faith: Mary can do everything
Homily, August 15, 2019 (Draft)
The New Jerusalem, the Corner of Paradise that unites Heaven and Earth
Spirituality, July 7, 2019 (Draft)
Jesus says: «She has loved me as My Mother loved me»
Homily, July 5, 2019 (Draft)
The Son of God the Incarnate Word has descended again among us
Homily, June 13, 2019 (Draft)
The universal message of those who have not rejected the Cornerstone
Spirituality, June 13, 2019 (Draft)
In the New Jerusalem, Font of the Holy Spirit, the effusion of the Spirit is continuous and total
Spirituality, June 13, 2019 (Draft)
The Father and the Son coexist and manifest themselves in the action of the Spirit
Homily, June 9, 2019 (Draft)
Where there is the real Presence of the Holy Spirit there is the Church of Christ
Homily, April 28, 2019 (Draft)
Christ has risen, alleluia! And He has come down here and is alive, alleluia, alleluia
Homily, April 21, 2019 (Draft)
The Easter of Resurrection of the sons of the New Jerusalem
Spirituality, April 21, 2019 (Draft)
New Jerusalem The Father’s Vineyard
Spirituality, March 30, 2019 (Draft)
Love her pure and holy Heart
Homily, January 20, 2019 (Draft)
Be prepared New Jerusalem to welcome all peoples
Homily, January 6, 2019 (Draft)
The New Jerusalem is ready to welcome all the peoples who love Christ, Light of the world
Spirituality, January 6, 2019 (Draft)
Universal Message of the Mother Church
Spirituality, January 1, 2019 (Draft)
To You Father, the gratitude of Your sons
Spirituality, December 31, 2018 (Draft)
Christ’s Christmas marks the beginning of the Christian resurgence
Homily, December 25, 2018 (Draft)
The new liturgical year begins with Mary
Homily, December 8, 2018 (Draft)