This is our faith: Mary can do everything
Luke’s Gospel, chap. 1, verses 46-55
Solemn Feast of Mary’s Assumption to Heaven
August 15, 2019
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel
Here’s the Feast! The long-awaited Feast for all us, sons of this Mother Church, sons of Mary, who want to celebrate today in a solemn way the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Coredemptrix (Lk 2:34-35), the Handmaid who by special grace has been chosen by the Father and crowned as Queen, She who by Her “yes” (Lk 1:38) gave birth to the Mystery of Redemption, She who has been chosen among all women (Lk 1:41-42) for Her Pure and spotless Heart, She who is Blessed, just as we have heard in these words of Heaven that the Evangelist brings and gives us, so to allow us now to meditate and to live them (Lk 1:39-56); in this way all of us today, following the example of this good and tender Mother, may arise and be clothed by light, letting ourselves be clothed by the light of Christ (Is 60:1) just as She did, the Light that from here radiates to route all nations (Jn 1:9).
This is why, to do this, we must die to “self” so to be clothed by the light of Christ, just as Mary did, She who is our good and tender Mother, the Handmaid of the Lord, and to be clothed by His Grace, His infinite Grace (Eph 4:7), so to be an example of this Universal Church that wants to bring the Father back to the centre, that Good and Holy Father that many have hidden and have wanted to conceal from many little ones. But not here! Here everything is done in the sunlight. The Sun has risen, as is written, and will never set again (Lk 1:78). Nothing of what is now right to know will be kept concealed. In this Land of Love, everything is lived.
The light of Christ clothes Mary’s sons (Jn 8:12), who honour and live this Mother so to allow all those who want to incarnate Her virtues, to live Her, just as this Maiden, Mary, did, perfectly embodying those virtues that make Her a living example and the spiritual Mother for us, so that we, by following Her example and looking up to Heaven, can contemplate Mary, Her virtues and totally embody them.
This is what we are called to do, to make known to many little ones who love Christ and love Mary and to many who have lost the Way (Jn 14:6) and are looking for It and want to find It and by coming here, to this Land of Love, and by seeing the example of Mary’s sons, may they wish to embody Her virtues so to live a pleasant, holy and balanced life and to bring back to the centre all what the Father desires: God, family, work. Here is that everything is lived in that holy equilibrium that brings us, even on this Earth, to live Heaven.
Hence Mary, by means of Her assumption to Heaven, has shortened the distance so to conjoin Earth to Heaven allowing us to live It, already from now, on this Land (Rev 21:3). A day of conjunction, to make us live, already from now and with increasing awareness, that Kingdom that is and that the Father has wanted to give us (Is 9:5-6; Rev 21:2). Whoever lives Christ and lives Mary in perfection, in the perfection of wanting to live their Hearts in total perfection, is already living the Kingdom, in the wait to live It in completeness in the moment when everything will be fulfilled (Rev 21:4; 22:3‑5). This is the awareness by which we live day by day, by which we walk in these days in order to live this day and all what awaits us.
This is the righteous, correct, balanced and holy life, to demonstrate, on the example of Mary, on the example of the Maiden chosen by the Lord and crowned as Queen, on Her example, to be true men, true women and so true Christians.
This is the essence of Christianity. This is the essence of life that the Father wants us to live, now more than ever, in these hard and difficult times, where there is so much apathy and so much disinterest. Who is still interested in living God to the fullest? Who is still interested in seeking God and God’s mysteries, wanting to find that hidden treasure (Mt 13:44)? Very few, because many are attracted by other things. Here, in this Land of Love, thanks to the example of this Maiden, many have rediscovered the desire to give priority to God and thus to live Mary with the same intensity of love with which Christ is lived. Christ and Mary, Mary and Christ, in that equal dignity that the Father has conferred on every man and every woman.
Mary is full of grace (Lk 1:28), She is the One who has been filled with God’s grace, She who is blessed (Lk 1:45) and will be called blessed for all eternity, She who prays incessantly the Father for every one of Her sons so that we, Her children, raising our eyes to Heaven can invoke this Mother and ask Her for every corporal and spiritual grace. This is what we’ve begun to do today, at the very beginning of this holy day, and so we will continue to do: to pray to Mary so that She may intercede for each one of us with the Father, so that the Father will grant us every grace.
«Ask, today, in the name of Mary, for every corporal and spiritual grace». Again I say to you all: «Ask, ask, because in the name of Mary, the Father grants everything. Mary can do everything». This is the special grace that the Father has bestowed on this Woman, whom He Himself has wanted as Daughter, as Bride and as Mother.
Here is the infinite love of this Father who has wanted to give Himself a Mother (Lk 1:43), a Bride, so to give Her to us all as universal Mother (Jn 19:25-27) so that each one of us may consider Her not only as Queen – and She truly is Queen of Heaven and Earth – but consider and live Her also as universal Mother, in the awareness of having a Mother who guides us in this union between Heaven and Earth, in this living Spirit who unites the Heart of this Mother with all Her sons, with all us Her sons.
And Heaven has lived this Feast, as we have said, as the second most beautiful Feast, in the wait to be able to live the even more beautiful one, that of the completeness and the fulfilment of the Lord’s return (1Cor 15:24-26). We are living everything with a living and total awareness, differently from what has been lived before. Now we live this Feast with even greater awareness, because we are living with awareness the itinerary that leads us to live the Lord’s return (Is 9:6; Mk 13:26; Acts 1:11; Rev 1:7) which here already is. In this Land of Love, the Father has given a part of Himself, of His heart, to allow us to live the delights of Heaven and to bring what is Heaven back to the centre. We are living It – this Heaven – and in the moment that Mary ascended to Heaven, in body and soul, Heaven is even more lived; it’s enough to want it with all our heart. Don’t be distracted by what is world and worldliness. It’s a good thing to live our life with the holy balance that makes us be real men and real women, but the heart is already part of Heaven: the heart already belongs to Heaven. By living every day of our life with this intensity, we already live holiness on this Earth, because we want to be saints and, although we are to continually perfect ourselves, by means of Mary’s example we rise, rise, rise, so to be already able to live that Heaven that Mary brought us to allow us to live It on this Earth, already from now.
Stay focused on what is Heaven, stay focused on what is Spirit (Jn 3:6), so that the Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son and who is in Mary, may enter the heart of each one of us and so shape this heart making it more and more as the Father desires, to be able to show us to the world as true men and true Christians (Rom 8:11-14).
Here is the example of Mary, the Handmaid whom the Father has filled with His grace and whom now can do everything. Following Her example, following Her example of life, this is the path that the Father asks us to live in order to honour Her Heart, to be able to manifest this living sonship that binds us to Her Heart; Mary and Her army, Her sons, who want the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart so to bring back to the centre in this world the only supreme Good: Christ and Christianity.
«To you, Heavenly Father, I address my prayer today, together with these brothers, so that through Mary’s intercession, You may give every grace to all your sons who hope in You, so that, on the example of Mary, Your and our good and tender Mother, You, Holy Father, may fill with Your grace, as You did with Mary, your faithful sons whom entrust themselves to You and who hope in Her. And so, today, Father, I entrust to Your mercy and Your merciful justice, all those who make Your sons suffer so that, in Mary, with Mary, for Mary, You may stretch out your arm again (Lk 1:51) and bring justice to Your sons who hope in You, suffer for You and want to win, through Your son and with You».
And so be it.