Jesus says:
«She has loved me as My Mother loved me»

Matthew’s Gospel, chap. 5, verses 1-12

Solemn Feast of the return of Maria G. Norcia in the Father’s Heart
July 5, 2019
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel


Today is a solemn feast, because this July 5th, is the day in which we celebrate the fulfilment of the earthly mission entrusted by the Father to Maria Giuseppina Norcia. Maria Giuseppina is the Woman chosen by the Father in these times, chosen among all the women of this time, to bring to completion the Plan of Love and Redemption (Is 65:17-25; Rev 21:1-7; 22:1-5), wanted by the Father for this humanity: the mission of this Maiden has opened the hearts of many and has brought the only-begotten Son of the Father, the living Bread descended from Heaven (Jn 6:51) into their hearts, so that everyone may live Jesus as the sole primary Good, as the only Shepherd who will gather all the nations in this Sheepfold, in this Holy Sheepfold (Jn 10:14-16).

This is the Feast of the living obedience, the Feast of the renewal of the eternal “yes”, the Feast of the triumph of the heart of this Woman, this Maiden, the One who is our spiritual Mother, the One who has embodied in perfection the virtues of Mary Most Holy  in Her life (Mt 5:1-12). This is the day in which Maria Giuseppina has renewed eternally Her “yes” to God’s call, and the Father has opened the door for Her ascent into His Heart. By Her assumption to Heaven, She has brought Heaven even closer to the hearts of those who already live Heaven in the New Jerusalem.

On this eleventh anniversary of the ascent of Maria Giuseppina to Heaven, to the Heart of the Father, we, Her spiritual sons, are fully rejoicing, thanking Her who is Mother in the spirit for all that She gave us, for renewing us in the Love that issues from the Father and the Son, for having helped us to be born again from Above (Jn 3:3), by means of Her example, Her grace and Her live prayer, so allowing us to be renewed by the action of the Spirit, to be cleansed, purified, made new and renewed and so to be able to love Jesus as She loved Him.

Here is the New Jerusalem. Here is the Church, the Mother Church. Here is the Bride prepared as a bride dressed for Her Bridegroom, for Her Lord (Rev 21:2). Here is the Holy City, the New City, which the Father has wanted to visit with His living presence as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, placing His Tent in It, so that the Holy Trinity could take up permanent residence there (Rev 21:3). The Holy Spirit blows gently over it, He has visited it, to make it fruitful and to safeguard it against every adversity, so that the Only Begotten Son of God could rule it and thus be King of a great people (Rev 12:5), great people. This is what Jesus revealed on August 28, 1994 when He spoke of the “Three most beautiful Feasts”: His ascension, Mary’s assumption to Heaven and His return among us. Jesus says to His Maiden: «I don’t want to be a King of a small people but the King of a great people. Therefore I call upon you all to come here. Come. Enter into My Heart. There is room for everyone because all My Love will be donated only to the sons of My Heart. Then I will have to apply the Father’s Justice that doesn’t allow Me to open My Heart to those who have refused My Love. This is the Truth, My children. This will be the Place of My return to reap the fruits of My passion. This is My Kingdom. Warn everyone, My daughter. Tell all My sons not to look elsewhere, not to hear the singing of the mermaids, not to be seduced by those who make use of My Name».

Maria Giuseppina did not let Herself be seduced by those who used Jesus’s name not to do the will of Jesus but to drive the sons away from the love of Jesus. And so we, Her spiritual sons, haven’t let ourselves be seduced and won’t let ourselves be seduced by those who use the name of Jesus, by those who make use of the name of Jesus, not to lead the people to love Jesus as the Son of the Living God, the only God made flesh (Acts 4:11-12), but to mix and to place Jesus on the same level as other religious philosophies, of other religions that are not in communion with the Father. This is why we become Christians: we leave the previous religion, the previous belief – just as we will celebrate today with a brother, previously belonging to the Muslim faith, that he will abandon, he has already abandoned – to ask for Baptism and to be renewed in Christ, with Christ and for Christ and thus becoming a son of God, in the awareness that only by loving Christ, only by being joined with Christ, one can become son (Jn 1:12; Gal 3:26). Believers of other religious philosophies are not sons but remain creatures of God. That is why, understanding this, one wishes to receive baptism and to become Christian. This is what we will experience shortly, on this holy and solemn day. In the awareness that here the Kingdom of God is alive.

Maria Giuseppina Norcia has spent Her whole life to warn everyone not to look elsewhere, because the Father would have established His Kingdom here (Is 9:6; Jer 23:5-6; Rev 5:9-10; 11:17; 19:6-8), the New Jerusalem. Many have received the holy invitation to visit, love and live the New Jerusalem. Those who have accepted it, are now here and will come here, to love Jesus as the only Supreme Good and to celebrate and honour the Heart of this Maiden, of our spiritual Mother who, by means of Her Heart, has allowed the Father to accomplish all this. And we want to honour Her Heart: a pure Heart, a holy Heart, a Heart that has never been stained or contaminated by what is evil; a Heart that has loved Jesus «as His Mother loved Him».  

In these words revealed to Her by Jesus on October 30, 1994 – in that message that has now been published, in that manuscript that is now public and that everyone can consult – in that manuscript Jesus has highlighted these words and spoke of this love that Maria Giuseppina had for Him, the same as His Mother, Mary Most Holy, had. In those words «She loved me as My Mother loved me» which Jesus refers to Maria Giuseppina, the Lord makes us understand that the Spirit of Mary Most Holy visited and entered into Maria Giuseppina, uniting thus Maria Giuseppina and Mary Most Holy in one Love, in that same Love that loved Him. The Mother of God and this Maiden: two hearts, one Love; two distinct Persons who love Jesus in the same way, bound in the one only Spirit who was in Mary (Lk 1:47) and came to dwell in this Maiden, who in turn has embodied totally the virtues of Mary Most Holy, so to be able to love Jesus with the same Love with which Mary Most Holy loved Him, thus forming a single intertwining of Love, from Heart to Heart.

This is a great Mystery of Love, which through Maria Giuseppina leads us to love even more Mary Most Holy and to be devoted to Her Immaculate Heart, so that the Immaculate Heart of Mary may now triumph, for eternity. The virtues of Mary live again in this Maiden and this humanity, thanks to this Maiden, has now the opportunity to be nourished by Her motherly Love again, to love Christ and Christianity as the sole primary Good, bringing Christ back to the centre, Christ and Christendom centre of everything (Acts 4:11; Eph 2:21-22; 1Pt 2:4-6).

In a time in which the world tends to do the opposite, in which everything is brought to the same level of Christ, in this Church, thanks to the Love of this spiritual Mother, Christ returns to be the centre of everything, so that all God’s sons and all the men and women of good will, may recognize the one Saviour in Christ (Jd 1:24-25), and not in others: the Son of the living God (Mt 16:16), the living Bread descended from Heaven (Jn 6:51) which nourishes and makes us be in communion with His Heart of Father, of Son and of Holy Spirit. Here is the holy proselytism of this Church that wants to proclaim the Truth even to those brothers who profess other religious confessions (Mk 16:15), not to discard them, not to draw them away, but to approach them and say: «Come brother! Because only in Christ there is salvation (Acts 4:12). Leave all what is past that does not lead to salvation so to embrace the only faith that saves, faith in Christ, faith in the universal Christianity».

This is the living example that this humble Handmaid, chosen by God in our times among all women, has given us again, gives us and will always give us.

And now we can live Her example, the living and total obedience of She who has pronounced Her “yes” to the Father without ever disowning Him; the example of who, having laid Her hands to the plough, has never looked back even despite hard clods to break, even despite many adversities that were placed on Her way also by eminent personalities. She always went ahead, because once laid hand to the plough, we must not turn back (Lk 9:62), but must go ahead and win, just as She won. And on that July 5, on this July 5, we today celebrate Her victory, the victory of She who always said “yes”, despite everything and everyone, going against everything and all those who stood in the way of the Plan of Redemption that the Father has set here: namely all those who have never accepted the Revelation of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2); and also all those who, even if bound by family or blood ties, have tried to stop Her. Nothing stopped Her. And on Her example, nothing will stop us, nothing and nobody. Because as Her spiritual sons, we want to incarnate Her virtues as She embodied the virtues of Mary Most Holy, because we too want to love Jesus as She loved Him, as Mary Most Holy loved Him. This is our journey, not an easy one, but a journey that we will undertake with all our might, so to become saints by means of Her example, Her grace, Her help. A journey of humility which wants to lead us to holiness.

«Today, Heavenly Father, on the eleventh anniversary of Her return to Your Heart, we thank You, for having given us this Maiden, for having given us this spiritual Mother. And through Her intercession, Father, we ask you today, on this solemn and holy day, to grant us every, spiritual and corporal grace, so that Your Church, Father, may be recognized and loved in the whole world and so that every enemy of Christ may be placed as a footstool at His feet (Mk 12:36; Lk 20:42-43; Acts 2:34-35). In Mary, with Mary and for Mary, on this day, Holy Father, we ask you this: hear the prayer of your sons who turn to Your Heart, Father».

And so be it.