The New Jerusalem is ready
to welcome all the peoples
who love Christ, Light of the world
The New Jerusalem is ready. The Mother Church wanted by the Father is ready to welcome all the peoples who want to put Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, at the centre of their lives (Rev 19:16). In the Son Jesus (Jn 3:16), God’s Love is: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Love made Person, who wants to deliver His sons from the burdens that others would still want to impose to oppress God’s sons again and to make many live no longer as free men but as slaves (Jn 8:32.34‑36).
In this Mother Church, the Life of Jesus will once again become the centre of everyone’s life, so that all may manifest the Virtues that have characterized the Life of the Man‑God, so to be first true men and then true Christians. Righteous (Lk 20:21; Acts 23:1) and loyal men (Is 10:20), true brothers (1Pt 1:22). And therefore authentic Christians, who live solely to do the Father’s will (Mt 6:10), persevering on the one only Way, Christ, and to announce to all the unique Truth, Christ, and to bring everyone to taste the eternal Life, Christ.
By doing so, everyone will be able to demonstrate their belonging to this Mother Church, wanted by the Father in the living expression of His will, which is manifested in the Child God and is alive in this second and last Grotto of the Father’s Love that wants to draw everyone to Himself again. «Come, you all. The Divine Child awaits you to fill you with His infinite grace and His infinite Love».
This Church has been chosen by the Father so that all peoples may fully worship the Son of God, the one and only Way that leads straight to His Fatherly Heart, unique Father, the one and only Creator. For this reason the Father made His eternal and only Covenant with this Church, to keep His Banquet eternally alive for all His sons and for all those who have kept alive in their hearts the goodwill to recognize the Truth, Christ. Here, in this House, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6), the only Sign of the living presence of the Father in this world.
Freedom is alive and reigns supreme in this House. The freedom in the one and only Love, Christ; the freedom in the unique, live and holy Covenant between the Father and His sons, that is Christ. Here, God’s sons are free and freed from an ancient and past tradition that no longer leads to Christ, the only Saviour, the absolute Truth, but that leads to a distorted and relativized truth.
From this Church, the Christian resurgence granted by the Father through the only Word that saves, Christ (Jn 1:14), begins again, so to bring the souls unto the Saviour, to the Lord of lords and the King of kings (Rev 17:14), so that all peoples may eternally taste the fatherly Goodness that calls everyone to the live and holy faith. From this Church, the Light of Christ radiates again (Jn 1:9) and everything will be renewed through the splendour and the Light of the Father. In this corner of Heaven, everything is being fulfilled and will be fulfilled. The darnel will again be separated (Mt 13:30) from the green grass for the pasturelands of the holy people of God (Jer 23:3). Once again, the House where the purity of Faith is manifested, will shine more and more and will be like a roar of thunder for many (Rev 14:2a) and a live and holy trumpet of Love (Rev 4:1) for all those in wait.
Mary, the Mother Church, will welcome every son seeking love, every son seeking Christ. The living Love of Mary will heal every wound. In the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, the Mother of all peoples will welcome all God’s sons. The faithful Bride, the humble Woman, the Star for all peoples, the Door to Heaven, the Light of the Father’s Goodness, will welcome and will love, so to bring everyone unto the Heart of Baby Jesus, inexhaustible Source of God’s Love, indissoluble bond between Heaven and Earth.
«Be prepared, New Jerusalem, Holy and Eternal City (Rev 21:2), to welcome Your sons on their journey to adore Baby Jesus. Arise, shine out, (Is 60:1), to give them Eternity, in Mary, with Mary and for Mary».