Christ’s Christmas marks the beginning
of the Christian resurgence

John’s Gospel, chap. 1, verses 1-18

Solemn Feast of the Christmas of Our Lord Jesus Christ
December 25, 2018
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel


«The true Light came into the world, the One which illuminates every man. Yet the world did not recognize Him. He came to his own and his own people did not accept Him. To those who did accept him He gave power to become children of God» (Jn 1:9.11-12a).

The words heard today in the Gospel just proclaimed (Jn 1:1-18) warm our hearts, to give us new nourishment and new vigour. Here is the Light that brightens the darkness (Jn 8:12). Here is the Light that illuminates the hearts of all those who live and believe in Christ, through Christ and with Christ, to know and live the pure faith. The darkness can do nothing against the Light, Christ, Light for all the nations (Lk 2:30-32), sent again by the Father on this Earth, in this His Abode, so that the Son, descending from Heaven, could dwell again in the heart of all those who would have recognized, loved and waited for Him.

Here is the waiting time of God’s sons, the announced and proclaimed wait, that has become reality (Tit 2:13). In this corner of Paradise, out-of-the-way for the world, far from other realities, far from the reality of an ancient religion, the Son of God has again descended to gather His people.

Here is the waiting time, the new wait for the new Christians, for those who have let themselves be purified and renewed by the Father’s Love who gave us His Heart, here, totally effusing Himself, His Love. The Father has imprinted His smile in the Heart of a Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia, who opened Her heart, a pure, beautiful and limpid heart, to be able to welcome, to welcome again Baby Jesus, to keep Him in her little heart and so give Him to all those who over time the Father, the Spirit of the Father, would have sent to this Land of Love, allowing their purified and renewed heart to become a living cradle for the Infant Jesus, in order to welcome and enshrine Him, attaining new life in the Spirit who came down from Above to find Home in this Land.

This is the Christmas of God’s sons. Here is the Christmas of all those who have rediscovered the value of being sons of this Good and Holy Father (1Jn 3:1). “Sons” are those baptized in the name of Christ and that want to live Christ as the one primary Good, following His teachings, His Word, to listen to His Truth. “Sons” are those who have welcomed Baby Jesus for wanting to love and to live Jesus and to live united to His Heart. Those who have not accepted Baby Jesus, those who do not let themselves be baptized in His Name, are not “sons”. John’s Gospel heard today tells us this clearly. “Sons” are those who welcome Christ (Jn 1:12), the Light descended from Heaven (Jn 1:9). The other human beings remain “creatures” and are not “sons”. Because the Father sent His Son so that everyone would have welcomed and recognized Him as God. This was and is in the Father’s Heart, this is His will. Do not listen to the teachings of another house that now teaches that all men are equally “sons” of God, even those who don’t believe in Jesus. Why then did the Child Jesus come down? Why was the Baby Jesus born if everything could have remained as it was before? The Truth of the Father is not what others now say. The Truth of the Father is one and only one. And it is what is written in the Gospel.

One is the Truth. And the Truth must be defended, loved and proclaimed. Those who love the Truth are ready to give their lives to find it again in Christ (Lk 17:33), as John the Baptist did at that time and how this Maiden has done in our times. This is the consistency, the loyalty and the rectitude that this House will always manifest, to bring everyone to understand the one only Truth that is born in the Father’s Heart, wanted by the Father and laid in this living Tabernacle, here, in this Land of Love.

Today, for this Holy Christmas, at the stroke of midnight, as Pontiff of this Church, I have wanted to publish a new Act of Magisterium, to allow all Christians and all men and woman motivated by good will to understand that the Truth of the Gospel, the Truth of Jesus must remain so as it is. And this Act of Magisterium, titled “Our Father”, speaks specifically of the prayer that Jesus, the Son of God, left us, gave us (Mt 6:9-13) and it cannot and must not be changed by anyone, not even by a pontiff, because it’s God’s Word. And God’s Word cannot be changed, but must be understood, meditated, accepted, loved and internalized. Whoever wants can read this document written with simple words, that we humbly want to propose to everyone but we will defend it with holy determination, because the Truth of Jesus must be defended and made known. Then everyone is free to accept it or not. But it must be said, proclaimed; not watered down and rehashed.

In these times, Truth is no longer recognized by man because it is no longer considered to be absolute but to be relative. This is now taught everywhere, even in the place that was once considered the centre for all Christians. Man has lost the divine imprint that the birth of the Infant Jesus had brought into the world. Many have returned to live like animals, following only their instincts, their own law to make their own truth. In doing so, they’ve lost sight of the Truth that comes from Heaven, which the Father sent into the world with the first coming of His Son.

On that first Christmas the Father had sent part of His Heart, His Son, Jesus, to redeem sins (Acts 13:38; Col 1:13-14) and make everyone understand the coming of the Son of God on Earth, the King, announced and much awaited. The little, pure and holy hearts, welcomed the Divine Child, the Son, God. They left the old tradition, left the past behind, to readily accept all what that Child’s Heart, Master and God, was giving, and that in turn He had received from the Father, because He was part of the Father’s Heart. Even those who hindered the most but were able to cry with contrition for their mistakes and their sins, have been renewed in the Love that the divine Child, the Son of God, gave to everyone.  

Then everything became corrupt again. Many have sold-off the Light that gives Life (Jn 1:4), preferring their own interests to the will of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, that same Spirit which accompanied the Church of Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:16). Every day many should have bowed their heads to listen to the voice of the Spirit that guided the Church, against every storm, against every philosophy that was contrary to the benevolence of Christianity. But all this has been sold-off and has motivated those who did not believe in the sanctity of the Church of Christ, to rise as masters and with a single blow to cancel the sacrifice of the Son of God and the sacrifice of many martyrs who gave their lives to allow life to be in everyone.

Here is then the Father’s intervention in history. Here is that the Father sends again into the world a part of His Heart, to manifest His living presence to the world. Here is the New Jerusalem (Rev 21: 2), wanted by the Father, guided by the living action of the Holy Spirit that blows in this time in the hearts of all those little ones yearning to recognize the Truth, so that the Father’s will, which is to heal, to love, to reunite everyone with His Heart and to give Life (Jn 3:15-16) may be fulfilled in this Land, so that the faith in Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 14:19) now more than ever may shine forth and be seen, loved and respected, and so that loyalty, righteousness, coherence and, above all, brotherhood , may return to be the centre of everyone’s life, so that everyone may be and manifest to be first real men and then true Christians.

Only by welcoming the Father’s intervention in history we can understand the true meaning of Christmas and only then we can understand the true Christmas: to be reborn from Above (Jn 3:7) letting ourselves be purified by the living action of the Holy Spirit. Christmas is not an event to remember: Christmas is an event to be lived, that renews us in our intimate depth. Anyone who wants to live this Holy Christmas, today December 25, 2018, and be amazed and marvelled by what the Father has given us, has to let his heart be purified by the Divine Child, who is born today to revive the hearts of many who want to be and remain Christians. This is the true meaning of Christmas. This is what we have to enshrine if we want today to live, actualize and internalize Christmas, in order to live the joy of Christmas.  

On this Christmas day I want to address my thought in particular to all those who suffer, to all those who are alone, but especially to all those who are victims of abuses at the hands of those who, in the Name of God, abused them, of their good faith. To all these little ones today I want to address my and our particular thought as Church.

To you little ones, who suffer and have suffered because of those who came to you, in the Name of God, dressed as a lamb, disguised as a lamb but in reality being ravenous wolves (Mt 7:15; Acts 20:29), to all you I say: «This Church welcomes you, loves you, to make you taste and experience the relief that God wants to give to your hearts: His balm of Love to soothe every wound so that every scar and tear from your heart may be erased. You, martyrs of this time, have and will always have a place in the Father’s Heart, here in this Mother Church that will never take advantage of you, so that here, in this centre of God’s Divine Mercy, you may already from now live and experience the Goodness of the Kingdom of God (Lk 1:78), who here in this Land of Love is alive and holy, and will be always holy for those who ask for help, refuge and shelter.

This House is open to all those who, motivated by good will, want to be reborn from Above and to be clothed by the only Light that saves, by the only Light that purifies, by the only Light that binds the hearts to the Father’s Heart, the burning Flame of Life. «Come in this second and last Grotto that the Father has wanted to give to this humanity in His infinite Mercy. Come, haste, so to live Christmas: Baby Jesus awaits you and will welcome you in His Heart of Child, to lead you all to the Father’s Heart, so to be able to contemplate in the face of the Child‑God, the Face of the Father».

The Christian resurgence has started from this Land. And from this Christmas, the Christian resurgence will start even more. This resurgence bears and will bear fruit, because the Church of Christ, everlasting and eternal (Mt 16:18), gives and will give Life to those who ask for it with a sincere heart (Jn 3:36a; 6:47). In this Land of Love, the living presence of the Father is manifested and will be increasingly manifested so to give vigour, strength and courage to every son of this Mother Church and to every man and woman of good will.

This is my wish that today I address to all those who listen and will listen, who come and will come to adore the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Rev 19:16), the Divine‑Child who, with His Divine sceptre (Rev 12:5), will feed again His flock (Ez 34.23; Mi 5.3), new Israel, to gather all nations under the one only Shepherd (Ez 37:24) who is Christ: Way, Truth and Life (Jn 14:6).
And so be it.