Be prepared New Jerusalem
to welcome all peoples
Gospel: Matthew, Chap 2, verses 1-12;
Solemn Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
January 6, 2019
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel
Today our Church is rejoicing and wants to live this feast in the union of heart with all you here, and with all those who join and will join, in heart and spirit, to this feast that begins, continues and will have no end; so to bring the manifestation of Christ to the world, Light of all nations (Mt 4:16, Jn 1:9; 8:12; 9:5; 12:46), that we live and will live in this little Cradle of Baby Jesus.
This is the announcement the Father has wanted to give to this humanity, that is to reach the hearts of all those who love Christ, of all those who want to live Christ and Christianity, of all those who feel disoriented in these hard and difficult times for all what Christendom is experiencing. Here is the voice of God’s sons that will rise even more from this Church so to announce to the world: «Come! Come and adore the Saviour! Come, hasten! Just as the humble shepherds did (Lk 2:15) just as these three wise men, who came from far countries to worship the One who was born (Mt 2:1b-2), the Child‑God who will shepherd the Christian people for all eternity (Mic 5:3-4; Mt 2:6), for this was and is in the Father’s plan to redeem Christianity and to redeem this humanity which is fallen prey to an evil whirlwind from which it is no longer able to come out».
Here is that the Gospel just proclaimed, drawn from Matthew the evangelist (Mt 2:1-12), brings us back to that time, brings us back to the time when these wise men made their journey and let themselves be guided by this Star (Mt 2:9b-10) that had arisen, and without understanding well, without knowing what awaited them, they believed in the Star and set out. From the east: this is the direction that the evangelist gives us. They came and asked, «Where is the King? We saw His star appear and we came to worship Him. Where is the King? » (Mt 2:2).
This question resounds in our heart today: «Where is the King?». Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Rev 19:16) has come down here, in this Land of Love, in this Cradle, to welcome all those who are looking for the King of kings; all those who are in search of the Truth (Jn 8:31-32; 14:6a) which cannot be relative but is absolute; all those who are in search of the Father’s will, of the Father’s turning‑point, because those who seek the Truth have well understood that the Truth can no longer be where the absolute Truth is not believed, but other forms of truth are proposed.
Those wise men came from far away leaving their country, leaving their thoughts and beliefs to seek the Truth, and they found It because they wanted to find It. And now we are all called to do the same. Those who want to find the Truth must set out on the road, must fully commit themselves. And they must seek for the Star that will guide and lead them to the King.
The Star leads us back to Mary, the Morning Star. Here is the Mother Church, born in these times, which becomes that Light that leads to Baby Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Here is that following Mary, Mother Church, the people will come to adore the Child‑God: to be able to contemplate Him, to live Him; and to be amazed by the Work of the Father, who wanted to give us this sign. At that time, it was said: «The prophet had announced that the Saviour would be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:1, Mt 2:6))». It was all written; but those who should have made the people understand did not allow them to comprehend that that was the land indicated to find the Saviour.
Today as yesterday, once again, it is written that everything would have been fulfilled in the “New Jerusalem” (Rev 21:2). This is what is prophesied by John the evangelist who wrote the book of the Revelation.
Yet despite all this and despite the Maiden of God, She who was called by the Father to announce the New Jerusalem to the whole world; despite this Maiden spent all Her life to announce to the world that here is the “New Jerusalem” that the Father announced and that finally gave to His sons; nevertheless, once again, mankind has not believed. And those who, now as then, should have helped the people to understand the Scriptures that were being fulfilled, have diverted the people by trying to distance them once again from what was the Father’s intervention in history. Now as then.
Here then that the Father gave rise to this Church, wanted by the Father to manifest to the world His will as Father. Many invoke Him: «Father, where are you? Father, why don’t you intervene?» The Father has intervened. But it’s the children who must listen to the voice of the Father who speaks in history through His messengers: the Holy Spirit’s voice which leads all to the Son.
Here is this Church, wanted by the Father, expression of His will which is manifested in the Child‑God, who lays here to attract to Himself all those of good will, those who are in search of the Truth, those who flee from the dangers of this world wanting to find themselves in God, those who flee from all kinds of injustice. Here is that the Divine Child wants to attract everyone to Himself to give them His Mercy and the Justice of God (Bar 5:9).
This Church has been chosen by the Father so that all the peoples could return to adore the One Only Lord, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Christ, without mixing Christ with other religious philosophies that are not expression of His will, or with other religions with which the Father had laid down His Covenant in the past but which now, on the basis of what has happened, are no longer in the Covenant with the Father. One is the Covenant that the Father makes in the course of history from time to time. There cannot be more than one alliance at the same time (Heb 8:13). Here is the Covenant of the Father with this Church (Heb 8:10). Here in this Church, in this House, freedom will reign supreme, every son will be free to finally live Christ, without constraints (Jn 8:32; Gal 5:1); and everyone will be free to come or go away. No one will force the sons to believe in Christ. They will only be invited.
This is why the sons of this Mother Church must be an example of union and brotherhood, in order to manifest to the world the desire to live Christ, being of example for one another as true brothers, true sisters, in that brotherhood that must characterize us, today more than ever, so to be true men and true Christians. And thus being able to express those sentiments and behaviours that the world today has lost: loyalty, righteousness, sincerity, longing to live God as the only primary good.
This is the challenge of this Church, of this House, from whence the Christian resurgence has started again. From this Holy Mountain, the Father drives the hearts of His sons so that the Christians, from here, may go back into the streets of this world to announce to everyone that Christ has returned, that the Father has sent Baby Jesus, a part of Himself, of His Heart, to restore the sonship between the Father and His children, so that all those who want to be sons may be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19), repelling the deceiving temptation proposed by those who are now teaching that we are all equally sons of God. It is not true! Only those who are baptized in the name of Christ, in the name of the One and Triune God, are “sons” (Jn 1:12); the others remain “creatures”. Therefore, they must be invited to convert to Christianity and not to remain in their religious belief or in the past religion. This is what the Father wants and this is what we will vigorously announce again in the time in front of us, in order to do the will of God the Father Almighty. This is the will of the Father. And the sons must watch and listen only to the Father’s will; not to anything or to anyone else.
Here it is that, from this Living Tabernacle, the Light of Christ manifests and radiates itself again to all the peoples, so that everyone may see the Sun that has risen and will never go down again (Lk 1:78). Mary, Morning Star, has brought us in this new Dawn, where the Sun of God has risen and will remain high in the Sky; and will warm the hearts of Her sons who want to remain faithful to Christ, the one and only Shepherd (Ezk 37:24), the only Saviour (1Jn 4:14).
Here it is that, from here, from this House, House of Mary, once again men will come back to adore the One and Triune God and to adore Mary, the entirely beautiful, the entirely pure Woman, so to ensure that Her Immaculate Heart may give joy and bring the purity of faith back to the centre again. Mary. This is Mary’s Home. This is the House of Mary’s sons. Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem, that welcomes Her children by opening Her heart, Her arms, so that everyone may feel the warmth of this Mother and be cuddled, cradled in Her tender arms. And thus to no longer fear any harm.
The sons of God have rediscovered the Mother. They will rediscover the Love of this Mother. From this Church, the love for the Mother of God will shine again in the hearts of all Christians, in the awareness that Christ cannot be loved without loving Mary.
On this we will revolutionize the past beliefs where there was the tendency to disunite the love for Christ from the love for Mary. This cannot be so. Christ and Mary. Mary and Christ. United in the one only Love that comes from the Father. Christ the Saviour, the Redeemer. Mary, full of Grace, Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, the Coredemptrix. Mary, Mother of all nations, humble Woman, faithful Bride, Star for all peoples who want to meet Christ, the Gate of Heaven.
This is the faith of this Church, which we will manifest to the whole world that will want again to meet Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
«Be prepared New Jerusalem, open the doors of Your Heart, to welcome all Your children who will come to you ever more numerous, from the East, from the North, from the South and from the West (Rev 7:9). They will climb the Holy Mountain to adore you, to love you; and to contemplate through You the Lord, the King of kings, Christ, the Saviour of all nations».
The sun has risen on this Mother Land and never again will it set (Is 60:20).
«Come you sons who want to live the Love of Christ and the Love of Mary. Pay attention, don’t trust the Herods of today and those who put themselves at the service of Herod to kill the Child‑Jesus». This Mother Church will not permit it. A voice will be heard loudly saying to God’s sons: “Pay attention!”. Herod and today’s priests are ready to bar the road to God’s sons who want to come here to contemplate the Saviour. Don’t trust those who say to you: «Let me know, go and find out all about the child, so that I too may come to do him homage» (Mt 2:7-8). Look at their hearts. Where you see sincerity at heart, then announce; where you see falsehood and hypocrisy, walk away!
We’ll defend Baby Jesus with all our might, with all our heart. And we’ll announce to the whole world of goodwill that in this Place the Father has kept His promises for this humanity.
And now I wish to turn a special thought to all the rulers who are animated by good will, who want to serve their peoples with love and with a true spirit of service. «Move away from what is iniquitous. Tear yourselves away from a power that no longer cares for Baby Jesus but that has something else at heart. Make it be you to rise up and to manifest to the peoples the love that this Church wants to give again to the whole world of good will, that wants to put Christ at the centre of every political, social and economic activity; because only in Christ is there salvation (Acts 4:11-12) and only in Christ can there be everlasting peace throughout the whole World (Lk 1:79)». In Christ, with Christ and for Christ, all this can be fulfilled.
And so be it.