The Son of God, the Incarnate Word,
has descended again among us
John’s Gospel, chap. 1, verses 1-14
Solemn Feast of Baby Jesus
June 13, 2019
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel
«He came to his own and his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him He gave power to become children of God» (Jn 1:11-12).
Blessed are you who are here and have welcomed the Light descended into the world. Blessed are you, blessed are you all, who have welcomed the Light descended once again to this world (Jn 1: 9). You, sons of God; you, sons of the Light, sons of this Cross of light that enlightens the world: not a cross that burdens, not a cross that imposes weights, not a cross that makes men slaves, but a Cross that frees, that frees, that frees all those who, embracing the Light that has descended here again, want to live as sons and no longer as slaves of this world, of this humanity. «Not from human desire or human will but from the Holy Spirit» (Jn 1:12-13), to welcome the One who, descending from Heaven, leads us to be reborn in the Spirit, so to bring us back to the essence of what is the action, the thought and the will of the Father, Spirit and Life, true Life (Jn 6:63).
Today is a great Feast, on Earth and in Heaven. Jesus revealed to His Maiden that His return among us would have been the third most beautiful feast in Heaven. After the feasts of Jesus’s Ascent to Heaven and then the more beautiful, the Assumption of Mary, here is this feast, the third feast, the most beautiful feast, which Heaven has prepared, lived and is still living, and so we on this Land, in this dimension where Heaven and Earth are united. Jesus descends to make us ascend, to uplift our spirit, to make us already live Heaven on this Earth, this dimension of Heaven. We walk on this Earth but our heart already lives Heaven, it already belongs to Heaven, is a part of Heaven, because here, in the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2), Heaven and Earth have been united in the moment in which the Child‑God, descending, has started that itinerary (Rev 12:5) – 72 years ago, June 13, 1947 – which will lead all His sons to fully live the fulfilment of His Return (Rev 22:3-5).
Here is the meaning of the Words Jesus revealed to His Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia, this Maiden: She who has never stopped accompanying and guiding us, Her sons; She who is Mother in the Spirit, She whom the Father has chosen, chosen before time, among all the women of this humanity, the One who has embodied the virtues of Most Holy Mary in perfection (Lk 1:46-48), the One who widely opened Her pure Heart to receive the Light, Christ Light, descended from Heaven to make Home in Her Heart, to become adult in Her heart, and to make Her grow; so that She could welcome all those sent over time to Her by the Father, the Holy Spirit, so to help them all to become adults in faith, to firstly return to that initial childhood brought to us by Baby Jesus through His descent, to then grow up and become adults in faith. A mature faith, alive, fully aware, of those who now understand and continue this journey, a path of grace and life.
«Here is then that I come again as a Child, I come here, to this lonely Place, to be born again in the heart of a little girl who has loved Me as My Mother loved Me». These are the words that Jesus revealed to His Maiden on October 30, 1994, to announce and make us understand the mystery of His Return (Mt 26:64; Mk 16:42). Now everyone can see and appreciate those words, available for consultation in the original manuscript to all those who are sons of this Church, and to those who are motivatd by good will, so that everyone may read those words, interiorize them, imprint them in their heart and so understand the mystery of the Return of Jesus (Mt 25:31-34), of the Son of God, so to prevent that what happened two thousand years ago would not happen again, when Jesus came among His people but they didn’t welcome Him. Jesus wants to be King of a great people, therefore this itinerary has been prepared so that the people could be aware and welcome the King of kings, the Lord of lords (Rev 17:14).
When He ascended to Heaven, Jesus promised that in the same way He went, on a cloud, He would have returned (Acts 1:9-11). Well, Jesus kept His promise. Jesus has come down from Heaven once again on a cloud, on a little white cloud, in order to be welcomed, again as a child, into the Heart of a Maiden. Those who await the King of kings in glory and in great power are wrong, just as the Jewish people failed to understand and accept the coming of the Messiah. History repeats itself. History is mother and teacher and all those who want to learn from history, are to open their hearts and understand the thought and the will of God, which is manifested through the action of the Holy Spirit, so that everyone may understand the mystery of the Return of Jesus so to welcome and to live Him to the fullest.
And today, once again the Father invites us to imprint His image, the image of the Child-God in our Hearts, so to remain anchored to His Thought, to His Will and not to be overwhelmed by what is deception, just as Jesus, always Jesus, revealed to His Maiden in a Revelation of June 18, 1995, when He said: «But then, why did My Father give us this Island of Love if not to allow everyone to know My real Face? It’s here that, while they are looking at My image as a Child, I imprint My Face in the hearts of men to allow them to recognize Me, when too late they would discover the deception».
Now we, sons of this Maiden, of this Mother, have become adults in faith and have recognized the deception that has taken place in another house, which once was but now no longer is. Thus, we recognize the Tabernacle placed by the Father in this Land of Love, the only beacon for to recognise God’s Love. The revelation made by Jesus on June 19, 1994 to His Maiden is now fully comprehensible. Jesus then asked us all to say this prayer: «Jesus, purify my heart. Jesus, give me a new heart. Jesus, welcome me in Your Cradle, because this Cradle will be Your Tabernacle and I want to live here with You and with all my brothers and sisters. Jesus, grant this my prayer so that I may live in You and You in me. I love You Jesus». These words have been fulfilled. In this Church, wanted by the Father, guided by the Holy Spirit that the Father has poured out by clothing It with power from on High, there is “the” Tabernacle (Lk 24:49), there is “the” Tabernacle, there is “the” Tabernacle. The one only Tabernacle that contains the divinity. The living Tabernacle that manifests the Father’s Heart. A living, beating Heart that emanates strength, will and holiness, for all those who believe and will want to believe in this Plan of Love and Redemption that the Father has drawn up for His sons and for all those of good will, and for all those, even unbelievers, who come here and in front of this Tabernacle, acknowledging their faults with a sincere heart, invoke and will invoke the Mercy and the Love of the Father.
God’s enemy and all his children will not be able to do anything against God. Nothing! Here, in this Cradle, Jesus gathers us together to help Him in this spiritual battle, the last spiritual battle, taking place between Good and Evil (Rev 12:7-10; 19:19-21). In that same revelation of June 1994, the one in which Jesus revealed “the” Tabernacle, Jesus also says: «Help me! Help me! Can’t you see how many souls are taken away from me?! Can’t you see how my enemy works?! Tear off his wings! Take the people out of his grasp! Tear out his tongue so that he can no longer seduce My children. You can do this if you invoke My name and that of My Mother. He fears you, he’s afraid of you. Don’t be afraid. He can’t do anything to you if you don’t allow him to. I have vaccinated you and you can fight him. Don’t be afraid! I am with you, My Mother is with you whenever you invoke Her Name. Here, in this Holy Place, I fill you with God’s Love. Don’t be afraid!».
In this Tabernacle, the Father’s Love purifies and sanctifies. The Father’s Love here is manifested through the living action of the Holy Spirit (Rm 5:5). Here is the Font of the Holy Spirit, cleansing water for all the souls who want to be purified and to be reborn in the Spirit, from Above, that in the New Jerusalem is poured out and never ends. It’s alive, It’s tangible, It unites hearts in the only bond between the Father and the sons, between the Son and the sons, for all those who, in the Son of God, recognize the living Tabernacle of the Father’s action, of the Father’s Will and of the Father’s Thought (Mt 11:27; Jn 4:23).
«Come, you all who love Christ as the one primary Good. Come, you all who do not want to disperse or water-down the authenticity of Christ and His universal message. Come, you all who are in search of the complete Truth. Come (Mt 11:28). From this Tabernacle, today, on this holy and solemn day, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit enlighten the hearts, and through this Church, make the world perceive the Voice of God and His living Presence, because in God, with God and for God, everything can be overcome, because in God there’s not only hope but there’s certainty (1Jn 5: 4). This is the Rock, the foundation of faith, of the one only Christian and universal faith, which has its roots in the Father and which here lives again (1Cor 10:4). This is the Church that the Father has chosen to renew, so to re-establish His New Covenant (Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25; Heb 8:8-10), which others have betrayed and denied but that here, in Christ and Mary, is alive and never, never ever, will be disowned.
«Come. Here is the Father’s Thought, which transmits His identity and the authenticity of His only Word, which through the Son of God manifests Himself, to lead peoples and the gentiles to adore the only begotten Son, to believe in the Father, who chose a humble Maiden to give life and fulfilment to His Will, to gather all under one Shepherd, under a single Guide: Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords (Jn 10:16; Ezk 37:24; Rev 7:17; 19:16), and under a single Banner, Mary, so that all humanity may understand the target, the final destination: Heaven, that Heaven which here, on this Holy Mountain, is manifested, is near, is total, so to make everyone live the true Life, in Christ, with Christ and through Christ (Jn 17:3)».
And so be it.