Christian authenticity
The Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem wants Her faithful children and all men and women of goodwill, to live the authentic Christianity so that they – in these hard and difficult times – may be able to lead all nations understanding the live and profound Christianity. That Christianity which allows to be real men and real women, that want to raise their being to God, and to live for God, in God, with God.
In order to do this, every Christian will have to be able to comprehend God, He who leans down upon humanity to make Himself known. This is what His children must be able to understand: the knowledge of the Father. A Father that listens, a Father that teaches, a Father that lives the daily lives of His children. Not a Father detached from the day-to-day life, detached from the context of His children but a Father that is present, that lives and co-participates with His children, every day.
Therefore, to be Christians the first requirement is to listen; then, to accept and understand well what has been heard; and finally, to transmit all this. This act of transmit must be done through the example of a holy life; through the example of live righteousness; through loving charity; through the obedience to the Father, so that the heart of each brother and of every living being may be reached by the true brotherhood, the brotherhood with Christ, the Man God, the One who is Brother, Master, God.
In the Baptism we’ve received, we are kings, priests and prophets. All those who are animated by good will, all those who enshrine their faith in Christ, all those who persevere in the Law of God, giving priority to God, must be an example of holy living. Every Christian must strive every day to live holiness, the holiness in their everyday life. In doing so, everyone will live in heart the first marriage: the marriage with God, trusting in the Father, so that each one will understand their own path. And so, guided by the Holy Spirit, they will always remain in contact with the Father. In this way, it will be easy to live as real men and real women, real Christians.
This is the journey of Christians who daily struggle and fight to win on every temptation; that strive to touch the heart of every brother, with charity and humility.
To do this, every man and every woman must fully live the virtue of LOYALTY; a loyalty that is both personal and towards others, starting from the faithfulness to God, One and Triune. This is the holy Law from which everyone must start, restart, by totally welcoming the Holy Spirit, that will permit each one to understand their personal journey, that leads and will lead to the glory in the Father.
Putting into practice this spiritual training, we will be true and pure. Each one of us will grow in purity and truth, in the total loyalty to God and in the true brotherhood towards our neighbour. Doing so, order and sanctity may reign right from now, in the heart of us all and in brotherhood towards everyone.
This is what humanity has lost. This is what many did not want to know. This is what others have abandoned and others still fight. For this reason, the sharpest weapon is the Word of God. The Word of God is disarming; the Word of God penetrates; the Word of God upsets. The Word of God can kill without touching.
This is why many welcome the word of God to change their heart; others instead fight against It, because in the unmasking of their thoughts they feel guilty.
Mary, the most pure, the spotless, the most beautiful, is the living example, is the essence of Christianity. Mary, the Woman, gives substance to Christendom. The loyalty of Mary will make Christianity win and triumph. Darkness will not prevail over the Church of Christ. All those who daily fight the Spirit and want to stem the Work of the Father, will succumb.
The Church of Christ is One, Holy and Universal. The Church of Christ is rooted in the heart of the Father. These roots are alive, pure and holy. And these roots, rooted in the heart of every child that has found the Truth in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, will bear fruit in abundance, because where Christ is Life is, where Christ is Holiness is, and where there is Christ there is the Light that lightens the darkness, wins over death and gives eternal Life to all His children.