“Father, You have chosen this Land of Love, please hear our appeal”
God the Father has chosen the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love donated to this humanity, because of His own live Will. In New Jerusalem there was the most beautiful flower, chosen by the Father for His expressed Will. The Father cultivated that flower because that flower would have preserved Christianity deep inside and would have expressed the absolute Truth, to bring back to the Father’s Heart, all men and women of good will and all those who would have wanted to remain in the Truth, that is Christ, living Bread descended from Heaven.
In the White Island, the Father has promised that the purity of faith would have been protected and defended but also made known, preserved for Himself and for His children. The Father has established His Authority in the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love, which the Father Himself has defined the Corner of Paradise donated to His children.
As time goes by, everything has evolved. That Flower has grown and has given Its fruits: fruits of the Father’s Love, of Mary’s faithful perseverance, of the living, continuous and palpitating Love, given to all those who have been sent over time by the Father’s Spirit and that have come to the Land of Love, to bring the holy order and the discipline back to the world. That discipline that characterizes and will always characterize true Christians: the loving discipline that every child wants to live and put in practice all that belongs to the Father, by the knowledge of His precepts and His Commandments.
The world has devalued everything. The law holders have wanted to protect the law as a jealous and personal treasure, to be defended from others, manipulating and using the Father’s Law for their own purposes. The Father has observed and looked upon everything, until the time of forgiveness and mercy has ended because of their having deliberately made it expire.
The Father has declared started the time of the Christian authenticity, that in this Land of Love chosen by Him, should have to be reborn and re‑flourish; so to bring the true observance of the Father’s Law back to the world. A vivid and perfect observance, which concerns heart and spirit, not appearances, not in showing‑off, to avoid that the world’s complacency overcomes the spirit and faith again.
In this Land of Love chosen by Him, the Father has wanted and wants more and more saints in flesh and blood, men and women who in their daily living wanted and want to bring back God’s word to the centre of their lives, through a healthy and live teaching; healthy, not sick. God does not want a sick and watered‑down faith: He wants a live faith, just as Mary is, She who kept Her sufferings for Herself, to give Joy, Peace, Sincerity and Love to others, so that in Truth, the White Island, the Island of Love could make the Faith in Christ the Saviour triumph again.
The Father could not allow Catholicism and its universality, to be flaunted without substance and essence and dismantled of its intimacy that is Christ, living Bread descended from Heaven.
Here is the universality of God’s message that leads to the original Covenant with the Father, that the true children of God are now called to respect, just as they were always supposed to do. The Father has given freedom, but the respect for God must be fundamental pillar of that freedom. This respect has been lost and many have deliberately lost and have made others do the same.
Christian resurgence has begun from this Land. Those who come Here, will see the righteousness: a word that has disappeared from the everyday life of this world. A daily life made of perversion, of imbalance, and of all that involves disorder. And all those who are animated by good‑will and are seeking the Truth, will believe, because the Father is faithful to His promises. No son or daughter animated by a living and holy sentiment will remain orphan. The Father is present and always will be.
Our Lady Mary is alive. Mary, the most beautiful flower, the candied and fragrant flower, is deeply loved in this Land of Love.
The children of the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem have consecrated their lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Coredemptrix. The children appeal to the Heart of the Father so that His intervention in history may be alive and effective, to manifest even more the Christian resurgence that has started from this Land and that more and more will manifest itself.
«Father, the hour has come. Father, show Yourself in Your Mercy and manifest Yourself in Your Justice. Father, may Your Will be done».