Go ahead, people of God: the Saviour is with you
In His infinite Love, the Father is always alongside His children, to forge even more their hearts and to write their-in His word: Victory. This is what the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem will pursue, in holiness: fighting to win; acting to win; advancing to win. True Christians aim to the victory. They will never be satisfied: they advance so that each action brings fruit and in abundance. Just as God’s Son has given Himself until the end, the children of God once again make it clear to all humanity that surrendering does not belong to those who want to live, to hope and come to victory in Christ.
This House, Dwelling of the Father, is the only beacon of Christ’s Light, which will never fade. All the rest will be switched off but the Source of Light, which is radiating in the Land of Love, will shine.
The Father calls His new ministers to feed the flock of God, to counsel the hearts and to bring them back to the knowledge of the true doctrine, of the true Christian teachings and of Christ, the only Saviour of the world, the One who for Love has descended in this Land of Love and manifests Himself through the Work of the Holy Spirit. Thus, in the most vivid loyalty, each heart places its own life at the foot of the living Tabernacle, that is placed by the Father in the New Jerusalem.
In this Church, Mystical Body of Christ, the spirit of service is alive. To serve in order to arrive to the hearts of everyone, so that the action of the Holy Spirit may cleanse the hearts and lead them to the straight path allowing them to recognize the Holy Tree, the One who brings nourishment and substance, the One who brings the Father’s abundance and restores the original splendour to every heart.
«Children of God! Let yourself be clothed with the Light that is Christ. Let yourself be coated and shaped by His charitable, salvific, vital action. The vital action of this House will bring destruction to another house that first as such was and that now no longer is. The vital action of this House will cause the flag to be laid in the other house. A flag that has lost its splendour, has lost its way and is shipwrecked in its entirety. The boat is filled with water and all the cracks that there were, now cannot contain any more; and everything will be overturned».
«Babylon the Great! Great will be your misfortune. You will lose all what you have. All what you have with great difficulty guarded, will be taken away from you. And all what you have taken away from others, will be returned. Because all what is of God must be given to God».
The courtyard of Rome, emptied of the teachings of the Father, emptied of the Holy Spirit, has remained deserted. The fire of the Father’s wrath, blazes and burns. The heat of the Father’s Flame will be felt. There will be no shelter for those who practiced a false doctrine. These are the false prophets! (Mt 7,15). Those who have declared themselves to be custodians of the doctrine and have sheltered behind the name of the Son of God, will be persecuted by the fire of the Holy Spirit and banished, as it was at the time of the prophet Elijah, who put them to the sword one by one (1 Kings 18,40). So that this humanity can recover, and those who still believe in God may have the strength and courage to retire from that house to converge to the one Way that has never deviated and never wavered to follow and practice the teachings of Christ, the only Way, the only Truth, the only Life that is now manifested in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, Mystical Body of Christ.
«Children of the New Jerusalem: proud, saints and faithful! Like Mary, faithful Handmaid, Holy Mother. Transmit the Christian virtues so that they can be practiced in essence and substance so that everyone can see, in this Mother Church, the Father’s Heart waiting for His children and wanting to embrace His children; praying that only few of them will decide to lose themselves».
«Ministers of God! Go and feed the holy flock of the Father. God’s children and all men and women of good-will, will love the Father’s House seeing your behaviour and how you will manifest yourself. Be an example of holiness so that the people in the vivid brotherhood may find in you the true example of righteousness and of true love for Christ and Mary».
There are many who have started their journey to arrive, to fill the holy Valley chosen by the Father, to purify and to make it shine, so that Christendom can be poured out and all that has been said, and has led to a persecution against the New Jerusalem, may be overturned and known in Its Truth.
The Father has lowered His Son’s arm, giving all His Power to that arm, so that human powerlessness can be destroyed. Go ahead, people of God: the Saviour is with you!