Mary, She the One who is, the Eternal Maid
Mary, She who by grace is the Mother of God, the Immaculate of the Holy Spirit, with holy care looks over the children that the Father has given Her. With daily motherhood, the Mother of God with motherly love watches over and welcomes all Her children, so that every child who receives the embrace from the Mother Church may feel at home. Mary Mother Church welcomes the children who have faith in Christ, the Saviour of the world.
The faith of God’s children will triumph. The faith that many children have found, experienced and known in this Mother Church, will fulfil what the Father revealed to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Mary, the Universal Mother, has entrusted, entrusts and will entrusts every child and every man and woman of good will to Her Son, so that they may participate in full form to the Plan of Love and Redemption wanted by the Father.
Friendship with God reigns in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem.
God is alive in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, source of every holiness.
Every child who opens his heart to God, will receive His grace in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, Land where the Almighty Father has laid his gaze.
In the New Jerusalem, the Land of Love donated by the Father and trampled by many, God the Father Almighty makes spring up the most beautiful flowers to reveal the Garden of the Father. And Mary, His faithful Servant, takes care of every flower, of every child that wants to be caressed by Mary, the Mother Church, in order to safeguard their beauty, their colour and their fragrance. But in the moment that the flowers voluntarily want to turn into thorny roses, the hand of Mary Mother Church withdraws to take care of other flowers, all equally dear to the Heart of the Universal Mother. Mary, Mother Church, Faithful Bride always bows Her head only before the Father, to proclaim with infinite Love: «Father, I obey you; Father, to You My live Loyalty».
On the eve of the Feast of the Wedding with Heaven, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem makes Her voice heard and says:
«People, people of this Land of Love, rejoice, for the Spirit of God is alive and dwells in you».
«People, holy people of God, do not fear, for your victory is near».
«Holy people of God, before the coming end of time, turn your heart to the Almighty Father, who with power will cast out every demon, will overthrow every house that has become a nest of vipers».
«People, people of the New Jerusalem, sung by the angels, proclaimed by the saints: here is Heaven on Earth».
«Show the feast of your hearts, the joy of your lives, the voice that proclaims the Name of God. Because to Him and before Him, only to Him, we will bow our head. Every knee will bow proclaiming the name of the Son of God. So it is written and so be it» (Is 45,23; Rm 14,11; Phil 2,10).
On the example of Mary, the humble Handmaid, the Eternal Maiden, the faithful Bride, this Mother Church renews once again Her bond of love and loyalty to God the Almighty Father, by renewing Her eternal “yes” to the Will of God, One and Triune. Mary, the Eternal Maiden, the humble Handmaid who has become Mother, has given all Herself so that the Will of the Father could be fulfilled. Who seeks refuge in Her Heart, already lives in the Father’s Heart. Who wants to rediscover Life in Mary’s Heart, through Her grace, returns to be son, son of God; to be saved by Him who IS.