The devotion of the children to Mary,
the New Jerusalem,
the Immaculate of the Holy Spirit

On this day of feast, the children of the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, renew their devotion to Mary, She who is Mother, the New Jerusalem, the Immaculate of the Holy Spirit.

The children of Mary prostate themselves before Her Immaculate Heart, so that Her grace may be lavished in their hearts, to attain Strength and substance, desire and will, courage and holiness and to manifest their faith in Her who by grace has become Mother of God, through Her endless Humility and live Simplicity, through Her Love and Sweetness, so the faith in Christ may grow in every heart.

This is the manifestation of the holy people of God for the Mother of Heaven and Earth. The children of this Holy Mother Church, in the spiritual communion of hearts, turn their invocation to Mary, with a living love, with a vivid and profound devotion, renewing their sentiment of love for Her, who is Mother:

«Mother, we, your children, consecrate ourselves to You. Your eternal “yes” is our life; Your immense Love is our will; Your maternal care is our treasure». «To You, Mother, we turn our loving gaze, so that Your Hand, Your Smile and Your Heart may reign in the daily life of every child who, turns to You to ask for Your help, with deep devotion, to find shelter under Your Mantle, and wishing that only Your holy honey may be our nourishment».

On this day, the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem entrusts each child and every man and woman of goodwill, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary again, so that Mary’s maternity may transmit the essence and the substance of Her Fruit, generated by Her bosom and donated to humanity.