The new sunrise of God’s children

A new sunrise comes up for all the children of God. The sound of a trumpet will proclaim Christ and those who live in Christ. The spirit of those who live the world will perish. God’s children and the men and women of good-will, will receive the healing of their soul and of their body, so that through their spirit they bear witness to Christ in their lives for eternity.

To all the children of God, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem says: «Rejoice, for dawn is here. The Father’s House will open. It will welcome all those who come from north and south, west and east. It will be a great feast. And the world will proclaim the victory of the Mystery of the Baby Jesus».

To all those who are faithful to Christ and live His teachings, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem says: «Rejoice, all of you, who have remained faithful and live Christ, for your reward will be great. Blessed are all of you who continue to resist to keep faith pure in Christ the Lord and to continue to glorify the living and burning Christianity. Yours will be the Kingdom and the power of God will redeem you, the same way He has redeemed the humble Handmaid, She who, giving Herself to the Father, in Her “yes” has enclosed all the men and women of good-will».

Mary, the Eternal Maiden, the Handmaid became Mother, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem, to Her Children says: «Blessed are you who are mocked because of the Name of Christ. Blessed are all of you, for having found your Treasure in the New Jerusalem. You have welcomed Him in your heart and for this reason you are tried in spirit and body. The Father will reward you».

To all those who experience the feeling of discouragement, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem says: «Walk forward in the Spirit; Obey the Spirit; and proclaim the Lord».

To all those who undergo trials, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem says: «Be strong and holy, for the Consoler will come to save you».

To all those who humanly feel a detachment from those who belong to them, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem says: «Raise your eyes to Heaven. Mary is alive. She invites to advance with Christ, for Christ and in Christ».

And to all those who have denied Christ, – came down in Spirit and Truth from Heaven into the Valley of the Holy Spirit to redeem the sins of the world, taking them first upon Himself and then to the Father -, Mary Mother Church New Jerusalem says: «Woe to you, that have sold-off the Treasure of God. Your little party is about to end. The torment of the soul now begins».

This is the Mystery of the Child God. This is the Mystery wanted by God the Almighty Father for the salvation of humanity. This is the Mystery that will win the world and will dethrone Babylon, the great Prostitute who has betrayed the true Faith in the true God. «The kings of the world who have prostituted and have lived in luxury with her, will cry and mourn because of her when they will see the smoke of her fire, keeping at a distance for fear of her torments, will say: “Woe, woe, immense city, Babylon, a mighty city, in one hour your condemnation has come!» (Ap 17:9-10).