The true christian resurgence

In these hard and difficult times, where Christianity is increasingly attacked and denied, where the apostasy of the church of Rome is the cause of spiritual death of many hearts, God the Father Almighty advances in His project of Christian resurgence. God the Father wants to etch His Holy Law in the hearts of His children, and of all people of goodwill, so that every heart is the expression of God in the world: in every street, in every corner, in every country; so that the Law of God can go back to being once again the centre of the life of every child, of every man and every woman, of those who want and intend to live Christianity and spirituality in a full and complete sense; so that the Christian authenticity may be the symbol of the Christian resurgence and renascence, that through this Church, the Father wants to give to the world. A live and holy renascence, which has to bring order and holiness, that has to make flourish the belonging to the One and Triune God in every heart, so that in Christ, the Son of God, every heart can return to Life, the real Life.

The intervention of the Father will be alive, continuous and, for many, it will be categorical. As well as categorical will be the invitation of Love of the Father to all those who intend to live His Will, intend to belong to His Will, and want to practice His Will without constraints, in full and total freedom. In order to make everything fulfilled and alive, the Father sets only one condition, that is the bond of deep Love that must unite every child to the Father, from heart to heart, that must bring every child to feel himself as a living part of the Church of Christ, a real part of this Church, that must lead everyone to feel themself alive in their own being, in the essence and in the substance.

Alive will be the intervention of the Father against those who are false. Alive will be the intervention of the Father against those who have denied the Church of Christ. Alive and holy will be the intervention of God against all those who denigrate His children, His House, His Work, that is holy, live and perfect.

Not those who say «Lord, Lord» but he that does the will of God will be saved (Mt 7,21). The holiness that appears, but that in effect is not, will be banished. All those who use what is holy only to appear, deceiving the small and the simple, will be banished; and equal fate will suffer all those who declare holy what actually is deception; all those who practice a false holiness that has no foundation in the heart of Christ. This alleged sanctity will be pushed backwards; a masked holiness that in fact is falsehood. A falsehood that corrupts the hearts, that poisons hearts, that does not permit those who want to live, in fullness, Christ and His authentic teachings to live the true holiness.

The Universal Christian Church of New Jerusalem will make the true holiness flourish in every heart. True holiness will be the living expression of this Church. True holiness will make true Love flourish in every corner, in every country, in every home; that Love which binds the heart of every brother, in Christ, with Christ and for Christ, beyond every human thought, beyond every human tradition.

The Church will live the true renewal. Christian resurgence will be; starting from the depth of every heart, to gather this renewal in a one only embrace that wants to revive this world. Every human law will be overwhelmed by the divine Law. Every human power will be overwhelmed by the arm of the Son of God. Every human promise will be vetted by the One and Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

There will be a profound metamorphosis. This world will experience the total and sudden change of every law that regulates it. The Father will allow all this, so that everyone can raise their eyes to Heaven and look at the Work of God, that with His divine intervention, will upset every heart, every thought and will make the true children of God burn by a live, holy and total dignity again.

The fulcrum of this world will be this Church, this House, wanted by the Father for the salvation of the world.

The exodus of the children of God stops here. The Father is going to give His House to the world of goodwill. This house is the centre of the infinite mercy of God; the centre of the Judgement of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that, in His merciful justice, will judge every heart and, in His Goodness, will donate everything to His faithful children, to enable them to ascend into His Heart.