Universal message of the Mother Church

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Christ, the living Bread descended from Heaven, is present in the midst of His people, in Spirit and Truth. Christ gives Himself to His children, so that every child may recognize the Sign of His closeness, of His consistency, of His being Brother among brothers. Christ, Man-God, is the Sign donated for humanity by Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem, that, through Her children, embraces and welcomes in the name of the Father, every child and every brother.

The Father wants that the awareness of the existence of Christ may consist in the heart of each child: the awareness of His substance and His essence, so that every heart may be shaped by the only true love for the One who saves, for the One who unites, for the One that makes us Be, for the One who makes us free and that allows us to receive the Grace of the Father, to become holy children to His eyes.

I, Pontiff of this Holy Mother Church, in the name and on behalf of this Church, say to you: «Go and instruct all nations, instruct them in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, so that every heart may experience the true freedom donated by the Father: that freedom that makes us unmovable in the Christian principles, that makes us unmovable in the Christian essence; that freedom that puts docility in hearts, moral integrity, spiritual desire to approach the Father, so that every heart may live in the Truth, may understand the Truth, may live for the Truth and be always seeking the union with God, with Him who gave His life, donated His life so that everyone may be in that Life».

And so, every human divergence will be smoothed in the name of God, in His Son Christ the Saviour, and every divergence will disappear so we may live in the One who unites, in the One who sanctifies, in His Body, Mystical Body, His Church, Mother Church, a great family, gathered around the Father, to relish His grace, His presence, His closeness.

This is the essence of the spirituality that unites, the essence of the spirituality that goes beyond every human, moral and spiritual boundary. Understanding the meaning of the fatherhood of God, we all join to become one only heart that wants to beat and transmit the Father’s Will: one, holy and universal.

This is the union of hearts. This is to be a spokesperson for God. To transmit His grace means to allow this grace to bring benefit and bear fruit, so that, living in the grace of the Father, one can come back to life, understand Its meaning, and divest of “self” to be clothed of God. «Do with me what pleases You»: that means to get rid of what is of the world to become new men and new women, true Christians, that want to ascend to contemplate what comes from Above; that want to climb to contemplate what is revealed from Above; that want to ascend to understand what Heaven contains.

«I give you my Son», the Father said, «so that with Him, in Him and through Him, you may know the whole Truth» (Jn. 16, 13).

Here is the Father’s Will: to bring everyone to the true and full knowledge of His being, of His life, through Her who with maternal love was able to open Her heart to reveal the heavenly delights, by receiving the grace of the Father and by giving Her Fruit, Fruit of Love that consecrates every man and every woman to the One and Triune Father.

In this new beginning, I make an appeal of love to the children of this Church and to all men and women of good will: «In the name of God, go and proclaim the Truth. In the name of God, announce the Love that radiates from this House. In the name of God, know how to welcome every man and woman of good will. In the name of God, from this Cradle of Love, Tabernacle of the Father, I invite every child, every creature, to know how to discern where the Light is, where the Light dwells, what the Light offers: Peace, Joy, Sincerity and Love, so that everyone may live in gladness; so that the true brotherhood may live in every heart; so that this brotherhood may be used as an essential weapon to combat every moral and spiritual warfare, to counteract all those who, in the name of God, raise their hands against their brother; so that, in the name of God, we can unite, we can be united to win the iniquity; so that every man and every woman may no longer be subject to the power of the world; so that every man and every woman may be free from all forms of slavery; so that every man and every woman may recognise the Church of Christ, source of Freedom, invaluable source of the Father’s Love, inexhaustible source of Mercy and Justice; so that this Mother Church may increasingly manifest Herself for what it Is: the Father’s Cradle, Land of Love».

In the unity of hearts, in the spiritual communion, Heaven and Earth, I address through you the universal message of this Mother Church, so that the conversion of hearts is alive and total, so that Christianity may increasingly be lamp for all nations, salvation for the whole world and victory of the Son of God.

And from this living Tabernacle, as Pontiff, I invoke upon this Church and upon every man and woman of good will, the live and solemn blessing of the Father that, descending in every heart, may bring purification and holiness to free from the slavery of sin, every child that in Christ recognises himself. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.