Lent, the time of grace to live God’s Mercy
God the Father has wanted this Mother Church to give all His faithful sons a House, The House, where to return to live His authentic teachings. God the Almighty Father has given the world this Land where to establish His eternal Home (Rev 21:3) and to welcome all those who want to experience His infinite Mercy. In the New Jerusalem, the Father’s Spirit is alive. In the White Island, the authentic Christian faith is and will be preserved. As in a Castle, the souls belonging to God will be defended. The Column of Light, the true one that gives Light to every man (Jn 1:9), will rise up and show Its glows. In the Light, the Father lays down His Arm, so to make His Church advance in this world, fallen prey of the darkness that has taken possession of many hearts.
In this time, many hearts will return to live the One and Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To every man and woman of goodwill, this Land of Love will show the living power of the Father’s Love: the Love that warms and the Love that purifies. Many men and women will acknowledge the Father’s glory, and will experience His infinite Mercy, that wants to embrace all those who recognize themselves in Christ and want to be His sons (Jn 1:12).
The universal message of the Mother Church will reach everyone’s heart. And many will once again be able to savour the taste of coming back to live, in simplicity, the authentic Christianity. The Mother Church will welcome every man and woman of good will, to allow everyone to know the only Truth that saves (1Jn 4:14, Tit 1:4), the absolute Truth that will bring all those who are animated by good will, to contemplate again the Treasure of God, the only Treasure that will never be sold‑off (Mt 13:44), the Kingdom which the Father, in His infinite Goodness, has given to His sons who will want to remain faithful to Him. Many in the world will understand the reality of the Land of Love. Many will taste the savour of living, in simplicity but in authenticity, the essence and the substance of the Father’s Love, which manifests Himself in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, and they will become rocks, bulwarks of the Christian authenticity, and will rise in defence of the true Christian teachings.
This Church will advance, to welcome, in this time of Lent, all those who want to return to live God, all those who want to experience His live Mercy, so to let themselves be purified by the living Flame of His Love, and to be immersed in the Font of the Holy Spirit, that is the Holy Laver of souls, the live Source of the essence of the Father, of His infinite and inexhaustible Love.
At the same time, this Church will advance, to counteract the action of those who want to relativize the Christian message, of those who want to water‑down the action of the Holy Spirit, wanting to merge all nations into a new world religious philosophy, into a new world ecumenical church where Christ is no longer present, where the Eucharistic sacrifice of Christ is annulled, made forgotten, in the name of an apparent human charity, in the name of a human mercy, in the name of a new humanism that puts man and his needs at the centre, with the sole purpose of discarding, once again, God, the Man‑God, the Word of God made flesh for Love (Jn 1:14): Jesus.
The living action of the Defender of God will manifest the deception of the children of iniquity, of those who have opened their hearts to the enemy of God, of those who have allowed their heart to become a nest of vipers, nest of the enemy of God, in the grip of vices and indecencies, full of pride and arrogance, full of lies and falsehood. The living action of the Defender of God will advance, to free, from the slavery of the enemy of God, many children who have been deceived and to strike the children of iniquity in their pride. The living action of the Defender of God will expose all what in other courtyards, in other houses, in many hearts, can no longer be hidden. The children of iniquity, who have opened their hearts to darkness, who have allowed their hearts to become the den of God’s enemy, will experience the merciful justice of the Father.
«Come back to the Father, all you sons of God. In this time of grace, come back to contemplate the true God, to experience His true Mercy, which in the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem is manifested. Come and see (Jn 1:46b). Let yourselves be purified by His live Love, which flows from His Fatherly Heart who wants to embrace every son, every creature who desires to meet Him, live Him and love Him, to live the joy of being His sons (1Jn 3:1)».