Feast of Pentecost

Gospel: John 15,26-27;16,12-15

May 20, 2018
Liturgical Celebration 05:00 pm
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel


Pentecost is one of the greatest feasts of Christianity. Today we celebrate what happened two thousand years ago, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles gathered in prayer in the Cenacle (Acts 2:1-4), together with Mary, the Mother of God, the Font of Wisdom, the Sacred Tabernacle of God, the Dwelling Place of the Holy Spirit par excellence. Where Mary is, the Holy Spirit is. The Holy Spirit has found permanent Home in Mary (Lk 1:35). Therefore, by loving Mary, by adoring Her Immaculate Heart, by imitating and putting Her virtues into practice, we will be sure to come into contact with the Holy Spirit who dwells in Her, in Her Immaculate Heart.

In this Holy Place, the Spirit of God is alive. As Jesus had in good time preannounced, namely that the Lord would have sent another Paraclete (Jn 14:16) to lead all His sons to the complete Truth (Jn 16:13), so it happened. On Pentecost day of two thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles to give them the strength to carry out the mission of bringing the Gospel to all creation (Mk 16:15-16), just as Jesus commanded them before ascending to Heaven. But the promise of Jesus, to send the Spirit of Truth in His fullness (Jn 14:16), who the Apostles themselves already had the opportunity to know, because He dwelt in them (Jn 14:17b) through Jesus (Jn 15:27), is another thing. The ultimate manifestation of the Holy Spirit in history, as fulfilment of the revelation (Jn 16:13), would not have happened at that time, nor shortly after. Jesus foretold that He would have liked to say many other things to His first Apostles, but if He had done so, they would not have been able to bear the weight of those revelations (Jn 16:12). So this period of time, these two thousand and more years, have passed to make men understand what Jesus had taught in the Gospels. For God, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day (2Pet 3:8). Just as Jesus resurrected on the third day (Mt 16:21, 17:22-23a, 20:17-19, Lk 9:22, 18:31-33; 24:4-7.44-46, 1Cor 15:3-4), the Father has manifested His Spirit at the dawn of the third millennium (Jn 16:1-14), revealing to the whole world His Work. Here is this Mother Church, established by the Father, to keep the purity of faith and His authentic teachings alive and preserve them into the world (Jn 16:15).

God’s Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia, is the Sign donated by the Father to this humanity, so that all humanity could welcome, through His living action, the signs of the presence of His Spirit in this Land of Love. The Spirit of the Father has worked great wonders in Her and by means of Her. She Herself has been a living miracle. Mortally ill, She was operated and healed directly by Jesus on 19 May 1974, the moment in which Jesus told Her: «You see, nothing is difficult for Me. Those who ask shall receive, those who love will be loved» (Monsignor E.C., “A Cradle for Baby Jesus in the Land of Gallinaro”). These words were confirmed by Her first bishop and by Her spiritual father, who wrote them in the story entitled “A Cradle for Baby Jesus in the Land of Gallinaro”. Despite this, others subsequently forgot and made those extraordinary events forgotten, saying that the revelation of Maria Giuseppina Norcia was “doctrinally unacceptable”.

Despite this, the action of those men (animated by a non-holy spirit, who was already manifesting, through its rotten fruits, the corruption of the tree that had produced them), could do nothing in front of the living action of the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in His Land of Love. By means of the Holy Spirit, the Father has restored His Church, the Church of Christ, everlasting and eternal, and the gates of the underworld can never overpower It (Mt 16:18). He restored It, through a “Courtyard” of this Church, this Courtyard, the White Island, establishing this Church, founded on Christ, the Rock (1Cor 10:4), on His authentic teachings, which will never be sold‑off, watered-down or mixed with other human teachings, or other religious philosophies, which are not expression of the will of God the Father Almighty.

Now this Church is alive, more alive than ever; and She is ready to welcome all God’s sons and all men and women of goodwill, who have understood that the Holy Spirit is no longer in the church of Rome. To all those who persist in thinking that this is not possible, I say: «You will be able to distinguish the trees by their fruits (Mt 7: 16-20; Lk 6: 43-44). Look at the fruits that that house more and more produces, now more than ever. Why has the underworld prevailed in the hearts of many so-called consecrated persons who should have had to preserve the purity of their faith and the faith of that house, and that instead have committed the most serious and most abominable crime (Mt 18:6, Mk 9:42), abusing so many little innocent children?! Why?! Why didn’t they take the opportune actions in time to remove the “smoke of satan” that had already entered the Vatican, as Paul VI had courageously denounced in 1972?! The Father has given men the time to make amends but time has been lost. The Father has given men the time to repent but His admonishment has remained unheard. How can the Spirit of God dwell in a house that has voluntarily betrayed Him, to worship another spirit – this is what many do, not all but many, especially among those who are at the top of that house – a spirit not holy and contrary to Christ and His teachings, whose fruits of death are ever more evident?! How can there be the real presence of God’s Spirit in the heart of those who, placed at the top of that house, instead of suppressing these abuses, are continuing to make propaganda (cf Rev 13:11-14), setting up unnecessary commissions, playing in relocating and making cardinals, bishops, priests guilty of such crimes to resign, and then rehabilitate them as soon as possible?! How can there be the real presence of the Spirit of God in those who have committed such crimes and in those who continue to cover and deny such abuses, always minimizing rather than denouncing?!»

Whoever wants to know and touch the Love that the Father has given to His faithful sons in this Holy Land (Rev 21:1), is to come and see, so to experience the living action of the Spirit of Truth that Jesus has given to this humanity. Here is the revelation that Jesus made to His Maiden. Here is the “New Jerusalem” (Ap 21:2-3), proclaimed to fulfil His promises; here is the “Era of the Holy Spirit” (Jn 16:12-15). Here is the Era of the Paraclete (Jn 14:16-18.26; 15:26, 16:7-11). Here is His action, alive more than ever by means of this Church, with which the Father has re‑established the New Covenant, to restore what was in ruins, what is rotten and which is destined to collapse definitively (Rev 14:8; 16:19; 18:2.10.21). Mary Mother Church calls and reunites Her faithful children, gathered in this Little Remnant People of Israel (Jer 23:3-6, 31:7, Mic 2:12-13; Zec 8;3-12), so to make the Immaculate Heart of Mary win and triumph, and to give every son and daughter and every man and woman of goodwill eternal life, which is Christ, the eternal Life. And so be it.