Palm Sunday
March 25th 2018
Gospel: Mark 11,1-11
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel
On this Palm Sunday, we meditate the entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem (Mk 11:1-11). The words of the evangelist Mark make us relive those moments and make us understand the essence of the Man God Jesus. A proud, courageous, self-confident and passionate Man, who advances to bring the Father’s will to completion, who advances driven forward by the crowd that acclaims Him, amidst palms and songs of joy, amidst the cloaks and the leafy branches of the trees laid on His path, saying: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who is coming in the name of the Lord” (Mk 11: 9).
Here is the Feast of God’s sons. Those that acclaim Jesus, the blessed, He who comes in the name of the Lord, He who makes them live the Kingdom on Earth (Mk 11:10).
At that time, the Son of God entered Jerusalem. But many of those who just before were acclaiming Him, shortly after accused Him, attacked Him (Mk 15:12-14). Here is the inconsistency and the incoherence of many, who first acclaim and a moment later are ready to turn their backs, to deny everything, to attack the One who had only given Love, only words of Truth, showing everyone the Way to reach eternal Life, accompanying His action with concrete gestures of spiritual and bodily healing.
This is what happened then, in the old Jerusalem. Now we are here, in the New Jerusalem, where the Spirit of the Risen Christ is alive and present in this holy city; where the true sons of God are nourished and have been nourished over time with love, with live love: the Love of the Father, the Love of Mary; and they have immersed themselves in the Font of the Holy Spirit and have let themselves be purified and regenerated by the live action of the Spirit of the Risen Christ, who is present in the holy city, who descended from Heaven to allow God’s sons to be reborn from Above and to make them live, right from now, the new life (Jn 3:3), the promised Kingdom given by the Father to His faithful sons.
The true sons of God, in this holy city, will never betray Jesus and His Spirit. The true sons of God will bring everything and everyone back to the essence of Christianity, which is not made up of people who praise only in words the Lord, invoking and saying: “Lord, Lord”! The true sons of God live to do the Lord’s will (Mt 7:21), to go forth to the end, following the example of Jesus and Mary, who have brought their mission to completion with constancy and perseverance, without being influenced by the judgment of others, of relatives, of neighbours or even of priests, those who were accredited, by the world, to be the holders of the truth, the interpreters of God’s will. History has shown how things turned out. Those who presumed to have understood everything, to be the interpreters of the action of the Spirit of the Father, were swept away by that same Spirit, the Spirit of the Risen Christ, who overwhelmed them in their own iniquities, in their lies and in their real hypocrisy (Mt 21:41, Mk 12:9).
At that time, it was Jesus who entered the holy city. But now it is the others that arrive in the holy city, to see, to live and verify the harmony, the brotherhood, the peace, the holiness, the serenity that reign within the walls of the New Jerusalem, that the Father has given to His faithful sons, fulfilling the promises. Now, those who enter the holy city, hear the songs, the prayers, the harmony of God’s sons. And, if they want, they will always find these sons singing, praying and allowing everyone to experience the brotherhood, but never to betray the Holy Spirit, never to deny. What happened then, will not happen again.
Here is the inversion of the true Spirit who has abandoned the old Jerusalem to be in the New Jerusalem and to renew all those who will let themselves be renewed, so to be reborn from Above. And are preparing themselves to live, as true men and true Christians, the Easter of Christ, victorious over death, victorious over darkness, victorious over all those who have defied, defy and will defy God.
The Father has wanted to give the world this Church, the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, this Mother Church, so that this Church may even more express Her fatherhood, Her motherhood, as a balm for every son, for every man and woman of good will, that Here come and will come to find the Treasure hidden from all those who presume to know, to have and to be strong in their spirit. In front of this Tabernacle of Love every conviction crumbles to give way to the infinite Love of God, to His infinite Mercy and to His intervention of Father, of Son and of Holy Spirit.
To His Maiden, Jesus has revealed all God’s Truth, that dwells Here to be given to all those who seek It, to those who are longing to understand the meaning of Truth (Jn 15:26). Others have distanced the Truth, asking what It was, where It was, how to reach It. Having failed, because full of their own convictions, full of their pride, they have driven It away and condemned It. In this Land of Love there is room for all those who are longing to understand the true and holy, pure and loyal, merciful and just Spirit, that comes from God. In this Holy Island there is room for every castaway that wants to live the authentic Christianity, and to return to be saved.
Here there is no room for those who want to strike Christendom. There is no room for those who wilfully denigrate the essence of Truth. For all those who presume to have and to know the Spirit of Truth and do nothing to truly understand the essence of that Spirit, there will be no room in this Island of Love. There will be no room, because they themselves will not be able to enter, because full of their “self”, of their haughtiness.
These times need courage and consistency, perseverance and constancy. Those who want to be Christians cannot live on formalism alone but must embody the substance of Christianity, which is not made only of rituals, of long processions, of formalisms alone that, if emptied of the Christian essence, will turn against those who hide behind an appearance that has discarded the substance, which is Christ, His teachings, His Gospel.
“My Mass, His Mass. The world will not understand”. Do you remember these words? This is what Jesus revealed to His Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia, whose eyes are always upon us, whose living love accompanies us and will always accompany us, like a caring mother, who will never abandon Her sons generated in the spirit. Many at that time did not understand the value of that Sacrifice, of the Mass, of Jesus, of the Man God Jesus. And many even today do not understand it.
Jesus descended to this Holy Place to make His sons win. It is written in Mark’s Gospel: “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds” (Mk 13:26). And He has come, the Son of Man. Here, in this Land of Love, the Son of Man has descended “on a little white cloud”, to put it in the same words of Maria Giuseppina, in the only public interview She wanted to donate to the whole world. Here the Scriptures are being fulfilled. In the great war, nations fought against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms (Mk 13:8a). And from there the birth-pangs began (Mk 13:8b), as written in the Gospel. The Gospel has been proclaimed to all peoples (Mk 13:10). And the tribulation for the sons of God has been increasing.
Now we’re living the time when the appalling abomination set up “where it ought not to be”. “Let the reader understand”, it is written in Mark’s Gospel (Mk 13:14), which accompanies us in this liturgical year. God’s sons understand that the Scriptures are being fulfilled. The appalling abomination, since 13 March 2013, is “where it ought not to be”. Jesus has revealed everything to His Maiden. And by means of these revelations, Jesus has given us the key to understand the revelations the Apostle John wrote in the Book of Revelation. In this Land of Love there is a Cross of Light – here it is! – which guides the peoples to make the world understand where the Light of God is, where the Abode of God is, the landing point and the departure point towards eternity.
“Come, all you little ones, under this Cross of Light. Do not persevere in the dark Valley, because you will end up losing yourself for eternity. Raise your eyes. Raise your eyes to Heaven. Look at that Cross that enlightens the world. Come. Follow It. So to get here, where to meet the true Mercy of God“.
This is the Easter of God’s sons, those who, in their everyday life, live, love and put into practice Jesus’ will; those who, in their everyday life, offer, suffer and win, because they persevere in Love, persevere in the loving obedience, persevere in being at the complete service of the Holy Spirit.
«Come you all, to this Land of Love, where the Son of Man has descended in the clouds. Come and see. God’s Love awaits you. Come, you all, worshipers of Truth. Come you all, who are seeking true Peace. Come you all, who have guarded and preserved the true faith. Come you all who are discovering and looking for the true Christian faith. Come, let yourself be cleansed to be clothed with the Light that the Father radiates in this Land of Love. Come you all, to welcome the Annunciation of the Son of God, who has descended to this Land to fulfil what humanity is waiting for. This is the Feast of the Annunciation that recurs today. Come and see (Ps 66:5). Baby Jesus awaits you, to fill your heart with the Light of His Spirit». And so be it.