Jesus is born in us
to bring us to be reborn in Him

John’s Gospel, chap. 1, verses 1-18

December 25th, 2019
Solemn Feast of Christmas
Homily of the Pontiff Samuel


Today our joy is alive in celebrating this solemnity which is even more joyful for having recently proclaimed the dogma of Mary “Coredemptrix”, in that unique bridge that links the Immaculate Conception to Christ’s Christmas.

On the day of the Immaculate Conception, we had preannounced that there would be this holy bridge between the Mother and the Son.

So we are here today celebrating Christ’s Christmas. Here is this day that makes our hearts rejoice in the inseparable union between Christ and Mary, the Mother who has begotten the Son (Lk 1:31). And we, sons of the Son, sons of this Mother, today rejoice and exult to the fullest in celebrating the Christmas of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today we are called to welcome Jesus in our hearts even more. On Christmas day, Jesus asks to be welcomed in our heart even more, so that our heart may become grotto, a humble grotto, humble, simple, comfortable and tender grotto so to welcome Jesus who is born and wants to be reborn today in our heart to renew us.

This is the meaning of the Christian Christmas; this is what all Christians today want to celebrate, united to Jesus, so that His teachings and His example of life may become our everyday life and thus to live the total communion of heart, soul and spirit with the Saviour (Lk 2:11) who dwells in us.

This is our becoming cradle, this is our becoming grotto, so our heart may become a tender and good heart, to be able to welcome the One who is Goodness, divine Goodness, Goodness made Person. Jesus, good and holy, is born to bring the Love to His sons, is born to bring the Light (Jn 1:9).

Here are the words we’ve heard in the Prologue of the Apostle of Love (Jn 1:1-18). Words that shake our heart, words that accompany us on the journey of our life: «And the Word became flesh and came to dwell among us» (Jn 1:14a).

We for sure can say and proclaim these words, for having received the grace of our call here, in this Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, where the Word has come down again, where the Father’s Grace has poured out again on the sons who have opened wide their heart, who allowed their heart to become cradle, grotto, so to welcome the Divine Saviour again (1Jn 4:14), on the example of this Maiden, Maria Giuseppina Norcia, She who opened, widely opened Her pure and holy heart to welcome the Word (1Jn 1:1) and to let Him dwell in Her heart and so to give Him to all those whom the Father has called over time, Her spiritual sons; and thus allowing them to live the Love, the Love, Christ Love (1Jn 4:9-10).

Here hence is the Christmas of the “sons” of God; not simple “creatures”, because once they embrace the faith in Christ, they are no longer “creatures”, as is the case for all those who profess another belief. But in the moment they embrace faith in Christ Jesus, in Christ the Lord, they become “sons”. This is what has just been proclaimed by John’s Gospel (Jn 1:12).

Here is the difference between the Christians who have embraced faith in Christ, and those who have not yet done so.

And here is the urgency, on this day, that all Christians must feel in their heart, to celebrate, rejoice and say to everyone: «Come, brother, embrace you too the faith in Jesus, celebrate with me; and love you too Jesus, the Saviour, because this is what the Father wants; don’t be afraid to leave what is past or a tradition you followed until now: renew yourself, let yourself be renewed by the Love that came down from Heaven (Jn 6:38), by Christ Light (Jn 8:12; 9:5) who has come among us again. Leave what is past and embrace what is new, because this is what the Father desires; don’t feel anchored to a tradition that the Father has declared as passed (Jer 31:31): embrace the newness that Heaven has brought down here (Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25), in this Little Cradle of Baby Jesus, so to be renewed and to be able to live the Love made Person: Jesus, the Son of God, the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:16)».

Here is the Christmas of Christ’s sons who want to proclaim their faith to the whole world. Here is the importance of this Little Cradle, of this second and last Grotto that God has given to humanity. «It’s necessary to approach my second Grotto because there will never be another one ever again». «A new era is coming to this place», Jesus revealed to Maria Giuseppina Norcia; «The temple of God is in man’s heart (1 Cor 3:16)». Jesus says: «My Church is made of souls and saints in flesh and blood, not of walls or precious frescoes». It is made of charity, of love and sacrifice, which is closely united to the love. Love is to be given, just as Jesus did; love reaches out to the brother, love saves, love gives life (Jn 15:13).

This is why today, on this day, we all together want to renew our heart so to become grotto, temple of God’s love, to bring Jesus to everyone, to the whole world, so that today every man can pronounce the name of Jesus. Today many don’t do it anymore, others name Him only to insult Him or blame Him for every fault (Ex 5:11). Jesus is Good, Jesus is Goodness, Jesus is Love. Evil is the evil one and all his children who hide behind an apparent halo of goodness to deceive consciences.

Don’t be fooled. Do not be overwhelmed by the prevailing deception, which is alive in these times. During this holy Christmas invoke the name of Jesus and call Him with a sincere heart.

This is the meaning of the Christian Christmas, that of Christ’s sons. This is what we want to live today: to speak of Jesus, to wish everyone good and peace and the love in Jesus, with Jesus, for Jesus. To become good even more, yes, to welcome the Goodness made flesh (Ps 25:3), the Child Jesus who has come down here again (Lk 1:78) and lives in the heart of those who have already welcomed Him and who will welcome Him with faith.

This is our wish, mine and ours, as Church, for all the men and women of good will, as well as for those who already are “sons”, for all those who care about Jesus, who love Jesus, who don’t want Jesus and His Church to become a sort of non-governmental organization that does everything and talks about everything except of Jesus, and that makes efforts to help many but that forgets their brothers, the three hundred million Christians who are persecuted today in the world, who suffer and die to remain faithful to Jesus (Mt 5:10), and who don’t want to deny His love.

«To you, brothers in Christ, today I turn my thought, my and our prayer, so that the Christian churches may form, yes, an “interrelated network” but to safeguard and defend primarily the life and rights of the sons of Jesus spread throughout the world, many of which today cannot freely celebrate Christmas because persecuted and oppressed».

Today, my thought and my prayer are also for all those who suffer, for the sick, for those who are alone and for all those who are disappointed and discouraged in these times, where apostasy (2Ts 2:3) is rampant and idolatry reigns (2Ts 2: 4), where, for many, Jesus seems to have forgotten them. To you all I say: «Dear brothers in Christ, brothers and sisters in Christ, for those disappointed and lost: don’t be discouraged, don’t lose faith in Christ the Lord. Christ has not forgotten you. Seek Him with faith. Jesus is present. To whoever opens their heart, He lets Himself be found. Come here, to the Little Cradle of Baby Jesus. And the Divine Child, in His Goodness, will restore you. Come. God has come down here to welcome you, to love you and to give you His infinite love. Jesus forgets no one (Jn 14:18). When the ropes of the world tighten, Jesus tightens us even more to His Most Sacred Heart. Don’t doubt of His love. Come and here you will meet Him, to live with Jesus the living communion of heart, of soul and of spirit and to live the everlasting and eternal Christmas of Christ.

Mary is the guide. The Universal Coredemptrix is ​​the Star that leads us to the Saviour. She guides us so that the example of the Holy Family may be the example to follow today, so that the Christian family may again become the centre of the life plan of God’s sons. Following the example of the Holy Family, we will lack nothing. Guard the family in Christ and Mary. Live the family in Christ and Mary. Love the family in Christ and Mary and nothing will be lacking.

I say this for those who are already a family. And I say this for the more numerous young people I always see here. And this is a source of great joy for me.

«I say this above all for you, dear young people, for all you who wish to form a family: put Christ at the centre, unite yourselves in Christ, with Christ and for Christ. Don’t scatter your faith in Christ. Unite yourselves in Christ and Mary, having Christ and Mary as the central point of your union. Put Christ and Mary at the centre of your family plan and nothing will be lacking (Eph 2:19-21). Christ, Love made Person, will bless and help your human love more and more to bear fruit, fruit, fruit, in Christ and Mary, on the example of the Holy Family».

Here is the Christmas of Christ and of His sons who love Mary, the Universal Coredemptrix. The sons of this Church all belong to Mary, all are consecrated to Her immaculate, pure and spotless Heart. A heart that saves, the Heart that, united with Jesus’ Heart, saves.

«To you, Holy Mother our thanks and our love. We love You, Immaculate, Queen and Universal Coredemptrix. We thank you, today, for having given us your and our Jesus. Make us be as You want. Do with us what pleases You. Our lives are at Your disposal, to give joy, today and forever, to Your and our Saviour and Redeemer (1Tm 4:10)». In Mary, with Mary and for Mary.
And so be it.