Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem is alive
Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem, is alive.
Mary, the Maiden, the Mother and the Bride of Christ, Her Lord, is at the side of Her children, to protect, to help and to ensure that the Spirit of the Father, that is in their heart, may act, intervene and win.
With Her maternal solicitude, with Her maternal mantle, with Her infinite Love, Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem, accompanies, lives and sanctifies every word that comes from the heart of Her children, to demonstrate, to continue to demonstrate, to continue to manifest the vitality of the Universal Christian Church of New Jerusalem, the Spirit that animates the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem; and to continue to manifest the Will of the Father, of God the Father Almighty.
This is the motherly care of Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem, so that everything proceeds, so that everything fulfils, so that the House of God’s children, the House of every child who has at heart the Father’s Will, may fill himself up and welcome in his heart all the people of goodwill and all those who, animated by the Spirit of the Father, want to live the Way, want to know the Truth and want to be redeemed to new Life, to be complete in the spirit and victorious over the world.