The Church of Christ will win Babylon,
the Grat Whore
To all members of the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem, the holy people of God; to all those that are opposed for their faith; to all those seeking the true faith; to all people of good will: Peace! In Christ, with Christ and for Christ, Peace be for everyone.
The children of the Church of the New Jerusalem want to unite their hearts to Christ, the Son of the living God, the One who welcomes every sacrifice, every suffering in His Most Sacred Heart; in the certainty that Christ unites His Heart to the heart of His children, so that true Love triumphs, so that the Father’s Word reaches the hearts, waking them up from the slumber of the enemy hand, and to make win and triumph the Truth, that in Christ the Saviour is and always will be.
The enmity increasingly reaches the hearts. The enmity goads many hearts so that the contrast grows between nations and peoples; and it may go so far as to destroy the sacredness of life, so that the confusion is total and the God’s enemy hand may act to appear and to destroy. In this the action of the enemy hand manifests ever more: the will to destroy the sacredness of life.
The church of Rome is pursuing its project. A project based on a false union between all the major religions of the world, a project that is manifested in the false appearance of love. The manifestation of the false project of union, finds its place in the word “love”. A human “love”, only human, that is not based on the true Love, Christ, the Love made flesh, the incarnated Love, the live Love that is Person. A human “love”, only human, inspired by the one who gave life to this project of false union that comes not from God: Sai Baba. However, in reality, by doing so, the men of the Church of Rome manifest their essence. The announced abomination of desolation, that now is.
For true Christians, One is the Way to follow in order to keep on living on the right path that leads to the Father’s Heart: Christ. In Christ, hearts must be converted to holiness, to authenticity, to Life, that can be achieved only by love, joy and good will. Never, the Will of the Father, the Heart of the Father will contradict Itself. Never, the Thought of the Father will go against nature. Never, in the Name of the Father, to win against brethren, anyone will be subjugated or destroyed. God is Life. Christ is Life.
The Church of Christ is the bearer of Peace, of Infinite Love, so that in God, in His Son, there is immense Joy and Sincerity of heart, being in the Truth. This is what the Church of Christ, God’s house with human beings, the New Jerusalem, Land of Love, will proclaim, so that Christianity keeps the Thought of the Father alive, against many men that want to put only human essence at the centre of their own power. A power that is only human and has abandoned and fights the divine will.
God the Father Almighty will not let the spirit of evil prevail on the Divine Spirit. Now, as then, God the Almighty Father will extend the power of His arm and the purification will take place. A voice will be heard in Heaven and on Earth:
“Woe to you, useless sodomites !”
“Woe to you, immodest sinners !”
“Woe to you, Pharisees, because you MANIFEST apparently clothed with holiness but in the heart you are animated by the light of the foul beast” (Rev. 13; Rev. 17,3.7-9.17)!
There is not and never will be union without Christ. Only Christ is the One who unites. Only Christ is the centre of the life of every Christian. Only Christ is the centre of life for every man. Only Christ is the centre of everything. In Christ, every enmity will be broken. For Christ, everyone has to go forth against those who want to sell off the essential principles that regulate the life of every human being. With Christ, every action against to the Christianity, will be rejected. The authenticity will remain alive until the end.
Christianity is and will be for everyone, because the message of the Father is universal: the message that calls back hearts to His doctrine and His holy discipline. The Christian message is an authentic message, that proceeds from the Father and the Son and, by the unique Spirit, acts, advances, converts, purifies for SANCTIFYING. In this there is union, the true union in God the Father, that will contrast a false union wanted by men that have turned their backs to God. With this action there will be Peace on Earth, true and stable, given by the Father to humanity that will remain faithful to Him, that opposes to the false project of peace wanted by wicked men who have betrayed the Holy Spirit to pursue a diabolical project, to serve the spirit of the anti-Christ, to give life to a false world religion that instead of freeing from evil, will make many persons slaves again.
To live God, one must respect the Project of Salvation wanted by the Father, that only in Christ, the Love made Person, is fulfilled. Everything that is against Christ, comes from man, not from God. Man and a system of wicked men that want to centralize on themselves what belongs to God.
Increasingly, many people will realize the direction taken by the church of Rome, Babylon the great (Rev. 14,8; Rev 16,19; Rev 17,5; Rev 18,, the great prostitute (Rev 17,1.15 to 16.18), the great whore (Rev 19,2). Many people already understand and many others increasingly will understand that the helm of that boat, that was once led by the Apostle Peter, that is now led by others who are no longer animated by the same Spirit, is traveling in an OPPOSITE direction to the Holy Spirit. A boat deliberately led to ruin, led to self-destruction by the one and those that will be recognized in the essence and nature of the anti Christic spirit that animates them.
And the Holy Spirit will increasingly manifest, to show to world Its living presence, that leads and increasingly will lead the true Boat to land in the Father’s Heart, keeping the Way firm, manifesting the Truth, to give eternal Life to every child who will remain faithful to Christ.