The true brotherhood in Christ’s Church
Brotherhood is the essential pillar of the Church of Christ. Brotherhood means to be at our brothers’ disposal. Brotherhood is to live, to be able to share, with them, the Supreme Good, Christ; the Christian essence; the Christian life; the Church of Christ, Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem.
The faithful of this Church are living and will live This, to allow all men and women of goodwill to experience It. To do this, the Freedom granted by God to every child, has only one restriction: their full and live intention to fulfil and practise the Will of the Father. It is the “yes” of each child, that espouses the Call of God and bears fruit.
Here is the daily “yes” of the people of Christ’s Church, in their example of unspoiled, correct and authentic life; their live and real “yes” to pursue that brotherhood in Christianity, in sanctity, to manifest the essence of this Church, the universal message of this Church; and to transmit to the whole world the voice of this Church, that speaks from Her heart. A living heart that leads to the true Life; a heart that prays because it wants to demonstrate the efficacy of prayer; a heart that wants to increase awareness and spread knowledge of the Goodness of God and that wants everyone to become, in the essence and substance, true child of God.
This is what animates Christians, the true Christians, the authentic Christians, those who having known Christ Absolute Good, will never barter Him for anything else that passes and that leaves nothing in the heart.
This is the people of God. They are the few who will never make lose the faith on Earth. They are the few who, despite of all the contrasts and the pointed fingers, will continue to bring forth the Name of the true God, One and Triune, to enforce His Law and instil the true Christian witness in the hearts of all those who are seeking the Truth.
Christ’s Church possesses the Truth. Christ’s Church is the Truth; and the Truth is ONE and infallible. The Christian authenticity cannot be sold-off. The Christian authenticity cannot be bartered, debasing one’s identity, to join with who possesses the error. Bergoglio, in his role as head of the church of Rome, commemorating Luther, has celebrated the one who caused many divisions within the true Christianity. In doing so, Bergoglio has expressed even more the living Apostasy that is taking place in the church of Rome, that has lost the true faith in the true God, Christ.
Who should make the Good Tidings heard, should transmit the Good Tidings, to make the Good Tidings known, appreciated and loved, must primarily himself BE a “Good Tiding” in all and for all: to be and to transmit the Newness that saves, that originates from the Truth and – with Love, Peace, Joy and Sincerity –must lead to the Truth all those who do not practice the right way, that do not worship the true God, that support other philosophical not religious theories.
This is what those who proclaim the Gospel of Christ do and are called to do. This is what those who are animated by the Flame of the true God do and are called to do, because they want to ignite others hearts so that they may recognize the true God, Christ, the Son of the living God; and so to no longer be slaves of humanity and human thoughts, but to be holders of the Truth, One, Holy and Universal.
True Christians that belong to Christ’s Church will do this, carrying their Calling out daily, to ensure that the only universal word may circulate through the streets of the world.